Chapter 10- Cupcakes

Start from the beginning

 "Let's just hope she has a long time before she has it ripped away." I muttered, as Aurora came running out of the kitchen and jumping at me giggling.

"Bear!!" she screamed, her little arms wrapping themselves around my neck.

"Hey sweet pea! Do you want to eat some of your cakes?" I asked, already making my way into the kitchen with her still in my arms.

"Yeah!!" she jumped down from my arms in a rush and ran over the hardwood floor in her socks, causing her to slip and fall before she made it to the table.

 "Oh my gosh, sweet pea, are you okay??" I inquired, sprinting over to where she lay on the ground crying and holding her head where she had hit it. I gently picked her up and held her close to my chest as I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. Her little head shook a silent 'no' as she continued to sob into my chest.

"It's okay, sweetie. Shhh, calm down, honey." I murmured into her hair, effectively calming her down.

 "Owwy." she wailed as she touched her head again.

 "Don't touch it, sweet pea. I'm going to get some ice, why don't you go to Auntie Kylah?" I bent down to set her back on her feet but she only held onto me harder and started crying again. "Alright, honey, you can stay with me. Calm down, I'm right here."

 I quickly grabbed a small zip lock bag to put some ice in and then wrapped it in a dish towel so it would be to cold on her sensitive head. I continued to whisper comforting words to her as I gently sat the bag on ice on her head, to distract her from the sensation of the cold coming in contact with her small bump.

I walked into the living room and carefully laid her down on the couch making sure her head was on a pillow with the bag of ice still touching her bump. "There you go, sweet pea. What do you say we watch Beauty and the Beast, huh? That one was always my favorite."

"Okay, Bear." she mumbled, obviously tired.

"Don't fall asleep, sweetheart. If you stay up, we can play with the toys in the two bags I brought, alright, honey?" I would let her play with the toys anyway, but she needed to stay up in case she has a concussion.

I tenderly brushed her soft curls out of her face and re-clipped that to the right side of her head. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I stood up to put the movie on. As the previews started, I padded back over to where Aurora was laying on the couch and laid behind her so that her head was laying on my arm and watched my favorite childhood movie with her.


Kylah's P.O.V.

I watched the two of them interact with Camden's arms wrapped around my waist, and I couldn't help but think I had finally beat Blair at her own game. She's always saying she is fine without a lover and kids but seeing her with Aurora just proved her wrong. She wants and needs a family of her own as much as everyone thinks she does. She is the only person I know that can calm a crying baby in a matter of seconds and be able to take care of a houseful of toddlers at the same time.

"Why doesn't she just admit that she wants kids?" Cam mumbled into my hair, tenderly rubbing circles on my swollen belly.

 "She is a stubborn, head-strong, independent woman. What do you expect? She grew up in a house full of men, all she has ever known how to do is hide her feelings and defend herself." I sighed, shaking my head at my best friend. She needed a book on how to love.

 "Want to ditch her and go out to eat?" he whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"It is our job to babysit, Cam, not hers." I reminded him with a roll of my eyes.

"She could handle it by herself and you know it." he said, kissing my neck.

"Keep your damn lips to yourself, babe. I'm not leaving Blair to deal with Aurora by herself and that is final, understand?" I reprimanded, my voice stern but a smile on my face.

"Yes, ma'am!" Cam replied, mock saluting me as he walked back into the kitchen to grab another cupcake. He is such a pig.

 I made my way over to the couch and carefully took the bag of ice off of Aurora's head and set it on the side table. She and Blair now lay asleep, comfortably cuddled up on the sofa, though you could tell they were both chilly by the goose bumps on both of their arms. I grabbed the fleece blanket from the back of the couch and tucked in around them both, before straightening up and smiling at the sight before me. Blair had a soft smile on her face, with her arms wound around Aurora securely, preventing her from accidently rolling off the sofa. Aurora also had a smile on her face, her head resting on Blair's arm, her thumb tucked in her mouth and her body snug up against Blair's. It was picture perfect. If you were looking in at the two from outside you would think they were mother and daughter, they sure did act like it.


Thank you for reading:) I hoped you liked it!! Isn't Aurora just adorable?? There will be more Brayden in the next chapter...Possibly his P.O.V. :) Sorry for making you wait so long on the upload, but I will try to upload every weekend from now on:) I can't believe my baby is already 10!!  Remember, the more feedback I get, the faster I upload!!

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