Part 17 : "This isn't exciting, you twat!"

Start from the beginning

"Okay... It's a plan." He sighs and I feel his head lean against mine.

"Can you sing?" I ask

He laughs and I feel his shoulders moving beneath my head "Only in my room, never in front of a crowd."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

"Oh okay, I got you."

Standing up I reach my hand out to help Kesten, when he grabs my hand and is almost standing up I let go making him fall back on his ass.

"Really?" He glares at me. I start to walk away.

"Yep." I yell over my shoulder almost to the door.

Right before my hand touches the handle I pulled back by Kesten. His hands are on my waist and my feet aren't touching the floor. He begins to tickle me and I can't do anything because my arms are pinned to my sides.

Before I can protest and tell him to stop, I'm on the floor with him straddling me and pinning my arms beside my head.

"Apologize." He tells me and I look at his arms and mine beside my head. I smirk and mentally slap Kesten for being retarded. I'm pretty sure he knows, I take self defense.

I use my knee and jab it into his stomach, him obviously not expecting it loosens his grip. This makes it easy for me to switch up the roles, so now I'm straddling him.

"Now what did you want me to do?" I ask batting my eyelashes

He leans on his forearms to get closer to my face "Apologize."

"Yeah, you keep saying that and all I hear is 'please beat my ass Alexa'."

He laughs and lays back down on the floor. I feel my cheeks turn red when his hands touch my thighs. I quickly get off him and walk out of the cafe to get some air, the air feels great hitting my face.

I keep walking and Kesten came up beside me at some point. "Doesn't it feel so good out here?" I sigh letting the cool wind hit me in the face.

"Eh." He says and I laugh.

I interlock our arms together and look up at him "Food?"

He laughs "Food."

I begin to skip and practically drag him with me.


"Rae's birthday is coming up and I wan-" I start eating one of my french fries.

"You want to throw her a party." He finishes and tries to grab one of my fries but I slap his hand away and glare at him.

"Yes, asshole, I want to throw her a tiny get together for her. Just the gang, we can plan it together later." I tell him my glare turning into a smile.

We ended up walking to the gym to get Kesten's Jeep before driving to McDonalds after arguing about Taco Bell and Subway, we finally agreed to eat where we always eat.

"Why me?" He asks smirking.

"What do you mean?" I stare at him.

"You could be planning this with Jay, Sabrina, Soph, and anyone else. You want me to help you though, why?"

"What do you mean?" I ask again still not getting where he's going.

He blows out a breath and leans back against his chair with his arms crossed and just stares at me. "Are you trying to get at something?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Never mind." He sighs.

"If you're asking why I'm planning it with you, I want to. Besides Rae, you're my closest friend and I want to plan this with you." I smile at him and he smiles back

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