Prologue- Wir Sterben Niemals Aus (We'll Never Die Out)

Start from the beginning

​Smoky air invaded my lungs as we entered the recently reopened Duchess Anna Amalia's Library. Years ago fire licked the building, destroying historical books and paintings which at one time laid in ruins. Mum wanted pictures of the renewed state for the latest work in progress issue of International Assist.

​Floors upon floors were stacked with books; an unending world of imagination. No kidding, I could practically live here reading books. "Haben sie einen Wunsch?" The librarian smiled at me.

​"Danke nichts."

​My fingers ran over each dusted spine, forever imprinting the foreign engravings in to my mind. Endless possibilities loomed in the edge of my thoughts wanting to be free, yet padded footsteps entered through my still observant ears. Halting behind me, a tap on my shoulder signaled me to turn around. "I've finished," mum whispered to my ear.

​"But I haven't," I responded, for an abundance of books were still left untouched. Mum wasn't intrigued by words but by pictures. Though I find myself, more than not, loosing myself in a world someone created with words.

​"Well, in that case, I'm going to explore Weimar." She reminded me of a child, always looking for adventure; not scared of risk taking. Carefree. Yet here I am, ridged, held back. Knowing that if I crumble my walls there may be secrets that were never meant to be known out in the world. I couldn't trust myself like she trusted herself. Trust had never come natural to me before.

​Sinking behind the buildings, light dwindled in the sky. I hadn't noticed the time slipping through my fingers as I was too engrossed with the secrets these books held. Flicking a glance to my watch, I gasped. Mum had warned me to be at Anno 1900 by eight o'clock sharp. That left me with enough time to walk with a minute or two to spare.

​Opening the dense oak doors, a gentle breeze brushed my skin, wrapping me in a warm blanket. Vibrant green leaves decorated the trees lining the brick road. Buildings of big and small enhanced the culture, each architecture unique from the last, capturing my eyes in every direction I looked. An array of chirping sparrows echoed through the air, saying goodnight to the world before tightening their wings to fall asleep. But another sound kindled within the sound of nature that sounded natural in an unnatural way.

​Standing still, I strained my ears. The light ring of an acoustic guitar enticed me further into the beauty of Weimar. My eyes wondered astray, connecting to eyes of gleaming bronze with a slight undertone of brown, shining gold in the disappearing daylight. His hair betrayed the night in a metallic glass, dark as obsidian seizing a memory from the day in Paris.

​Relaxing under my gaze, he placed the mic on the stand as an anchor to the ground. A pure voice unleashed from the soul charged the air in a soft melodic tune, growing in bass, slowly adding a beat with drums. Lyrics floated along in German holding a concealed meaning lost in translation.

​The tune subsided gently leaving me staring intently into those capturing eyes. My feet, moving at their own accord, brought me to the opposite side of the street stopping in front of the mysterious boy. His gaze shifted into the sky as if trying to find a message written in the slowly appearing starts.

​"Sprechen sie Englisch?" I asked drawing his attention back toward me.

​"Yes, a l-little," he responded as his voice quavered.

​"Hi, I'm Sephora," I replied smoothly not missing a beat, smiling at the four guys.

​Not forgetting his manners, he introduced himself "My n-name is Bill, an-and t-this is my brother Tom." Tom looked comfortable behind his acoustic guitar and his loosely hanging clothes. "Georg." Using hand gestures, Bill pointed over his right shoulder. Holding the bass by the neck, he too looked relaxed in the setting of the city. "An-and Gustav." Gustav's hands twitched as wanting to create more music. The drum sticks in his hands were twirling endlessly. "We are Tokio Hotel." They all chorused together.

​A confused look must have shown upon my face. "Tokio Hotel?" It sounded more of a question than a statement as it rolled off my tongue.

​"Yes?" they questioned in unison.

​I glanced down to my watch. Late.

"Auf Wiedersehen Tokio Hotel!" I called behind me.

​Mum was defiantly going to kill me for being late.


Hey readers!!

Guess what?!? A new story! :D I always get new ideas, but I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the first time I've actually sat down and wrote a descriptive outline before writing any part of a story. Hopefully because I've done this I won't run into writers block as often and try to finish this story. If you haven't, please read the IMPORTANT notice that has been posted before the prologue. Thanks for reading :)

French Translations:

Bonjour Madame. Je voudrais un chocolat et un café, s'il vous plaît. (Hello Madame. I would like a hot chocolate and a coffee, please.)

Ça fait cinq euros, Mademoiselle. (That would be 5 euros, Miss.)

Je regrette. (I'm sorry.)

German Translations:

Haben sie einen Wunsch? (May I help you? -or- What is your wish?)

Danke nichts. (No thanks)

Sprechen sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?)

There shouldn't be as many translations in the following chapters, but since Sephora is in different countries, I wanted to add some culture. On a side note, this is also a Tokio Hotel Playlist and almost all the songs I will use are originally written in German so there will always be on the top of a chapter the original version and then the English translation. If there isn't German above the English it's because the song wasn't originally written in German.

I've fallen in love with this band and as you read this story, I hope you do too. :D

One last comment, I'm thinking of putting this in the 2012 Watty Awards under a FanFic, but I'm not sure if I should. If you'd support me and give this story a chance let me know :)

-Midnightriter <3

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