HAPPY Birthday!

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I rushed in my house and went up my room running.IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!

I quickly got into the showers because last period of school I got gym so I'm sweaty ass fuck.

I got out and put on my undergarments and looked through my closet for the perfect outfit.

I finally choose this and it looked perfect on me;

I went downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen baking a cake

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I went downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen baking a cake.My dad in his office doing some paper work of course being the alpha of the cold stone pack who wouldn't?My brother in the playroom.My three sisters sitting In the living room checking Snapchat.

"Where do you think your going young lady?",my mom said walking backwards with a bowl in her hands mixing something.

"Umm to a a party?", I said in a duh voice.

"What party?"

"The party that Grace invited me too?", I said.

"Well your not going your to small to be in party's",my mom said.

Ugh I hate when my mom does this!

"Yeah your right", I said and my mom nodded her head.

"I'm going to a club!", I said and with that I earn a scowl of my mom.

"Ok,but I won't go with one condition", I said and my mom listening attentively.

"To invite my friends!", I said squealing.

"I mean there's not a party without them!", I said smirking.

"Fine,but your cousin's are coming,tell them to come in the afternoon",my mom said going back to the kitchen.

I Went to my room and did a group chat with my friends,Grace,jessica,elizabeth,caroline,and my bff Alexandra.

"So what do you have in mind?"Jessica said.

"Nth my cousins are coming nth special", I said.

"Wait your cousin is coming,wait Luis?"Grace said.

"Yup,that one", I said.

"OMFG girl's get in your best cloth,were going to see Sydney's hot cousin and hot brother!", Alexandra said and I could hear the rest of them squeal.

I closed my ears and hang up they seriously have issues. I mean my brother is hot for other girls but I never knew a lot of girls would go after him?And my cousin hes hot too but I mean he rejected a lot of girls?

Well anyways I went to the balcony and enjoyed the view.Our house was bigger than my aunt's house. I check my Snapchat and then it ring to me.

"Carlos!", I said omg how come I forgot about him?

I called him I was waiting for a hour how can I forget he was at a game of soccer!

I waited another hour and he finally picked up.

"Sydney I'm so sorry I was at a game",he said.

"No no no you don't need to be sorry,Well anyways I'm going to have a birthday party at my house,do you think you can come?", I said nervous.

"Yup, I always have time for you",he said and in the other side I could see him winking at me.

"Ok see you at the afternoon", I said exited.

We hung up and I heard the doorbell. I came down running and almost slipped because the stairs are high and are in a spiral way so yeah.

I came down open the door and saw my cousins aunt and Auncle.

"Hi auntie!", I said hugging her.

"Hi dear!",she said hugging me back.

"Hi,luis,lauren,lary,and Jade!", I said hugging all of my cousins and my auncle lary.

When I hug my cousin Luis at first he was checking me out and then I heard him growl when I was about to turn around.

"Are you ok?", I asked turning around.

"Yeah he's totally fine!", Lauren said nervous and covering Luis mouth.

"Ok?", I said going back in. I went to the kitchen and help my mom. I put everything down in the table and felt Luis eyes on me burning hole's in my head mostly body.

I heard another doorbell. I quickly left everything in the table and open the door.As soon as I open the door my friends came running and I fell on the floor and they were running stepping on me.

"Are you ok?", I heard Carlos say as he extended his hand. I took his hand and he walk me to the couch.

"You look hot", Carlos said winking at me. I looked down and blush so hard.tf is happening to me? I blush easily.

"We're so srryyyyy birthday gurl is that-", I enterupted them and scream at my friend's face saying.


"Yes,there actually over there", Alexandra said pointing at my brother and Luis.

"Ok,but I mean Carlos is here and he's also hot?", I said.OH SHIT did I just say that?

With that I earn everyones scowl at me.

"what?", I said in a whisper.

"You think I'm hot?", Carlos ask.

I nodded my head And my brother and Luis said,"What did you just say?",and with that I didn't took time to go run out of my house cause I know that my brother and Luis was going to chase me and are going to kill me!

I ran to a fair that was next to my house I quickly bought tickets and got into a fair wheel. I could see Luis and my brother looking everywhere.

When I got off I know they were looking for me at the ice-cream shoppe so I took my chance to run to my house.

When I came I found my friend,family in the main table and with a huge birthday cake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYDNEY!",all of them scream at me.

"Yeah,whatever I'm going to my room you guys can eat the cake", I said and all of them with confused looks.

"What are you in a diet plan now?",my three sis asked chuckling.

"You should shut the fuck up you slut!"I Said screaming at her. I went to my room and slept and wished this day was over!

It All Started When I Turned 18Where stories live. Discover now