
18 3 0

I quickly got dress into this outfit:

"Sydney,Susan,Samantha,Stephanie and Samuel come down where about to leave!',my mom scream from downstairs

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"Sydney,Susan,Samantha,Stephanie and Samuel come down where about to leave!',my mom scream from downstairs.

Me and my three sis and only bro came down running my sister's look nth like me nor my brother.

My three sis hadded Blond hair and hazel blue eyes.They looked like my dad.Compared to me and my brother we looked like my mom we hadded light brown hair and hazel blueish greenish eyes.

We were called the twins.
We entered the car and my mom and dad at the front seat.My three sisters in the middle row and me and my brother at the last row.

The driving was complete silence.Well anyways let me tell you more,my three sisters were older then me Samantha,was 18 , Susan was 19 and Stephanie was 21 and my brother hadded 22.

Me and my brother and sisters were called the group S.Since our names start with the letter S.Ok we were going to my cousin house for Christmas.I know I know, probably your like what?how come your wearing something really uncovered.

Well I didn't tell you we are Wolf's and im the daughter of the alpha so Wolf's aren't even cold we are always warm up by our blood.

Well anyways as I looked out the window we were already there.My cousin's house was a small mansion.They hadded a large balcony where you can see the garden.The rooms were large like classroom or maybe bigger.And the ballroom looked like Colombia's unervirsity gym well without the seats.

"Hi Jennifer and Sebastian",my aunt said hugging both of my parents.Yup our names came from my dad.

"And hi group S!",my aunt said now facing us.She open her arm's and her big wide smile on her face she made me feel like if I was her daughter.

She wasn't cold like my mom.Well I was daddy's gurl.My sisters were my mom's what she called it,"her favorites" me and my brother were my dad's favorite. I felt bad for the mates of my sister's,because they were sluts and went out with every single one of the boys in my school and they need to support that.

My aunt dint like my sister's because they were sluts,always got into fights and are alcoholics.Instead me and my brother we nth compared to them.We were smart,Nice,supportive, and caring.

"Well hello cus",my cousin Luis said to my brother.They did the man hug and next came my sis.

"Hello sluts",Luis said.My sis just pushed and pass by they scowl at him. I just chuckle from behind.

"Hello Syd",he said hugging me.Ok maybe I didn't explain he was to touchy. I pulled away wow so weird.

I pass by and enter their home I hang my coat when I entered. I sat on the couch on the play room.

I took out my phone because my boy friend texted me.Well hes not my boy friend hes like a boy and a friend get it?

Well anyways this was our chat:

It All Started When I Turned 18Where stories live. Discover now