Bonus Chapter 2.0

Start from the beginning

"Babe," Scott groans as she walks out of the room with him trailing behind her. "You can't make me sleep on the couch, this is my house."

"Is that really what you want?" Falon asks chuckling. "To be so whipped that your girlfriend makes you sleep on the couch in your own house?"

Is that what I want?


Several hours later I'm standing outside of the college on my Dad's campus with a giant bucket of Anna's underwear. Over the past couple of months I've been collecting them from her. She knows that I've been hijacking them for a project that I've been working on.

Disclaimer: They're all clean.

I guess it does look a little strange for me to be standing in the middle of campus with several giant poles and a bucket of underwear in my hand but surely people have seen worse right? I slowly make my way towards my Father's building. I'm probably going to have to make one more trip back to the truck to grab the other three tubs of underwear.

I walk into the school and weave my way through the many hallways and whatnot. I can't take the elevator because the poles that I'm holding won't fit inside so I have to climb every flight which takes about twenty minutes. I take the elevator back down and walk outside to retrieve the other couple of buckets. As I'm walking back to my truck, I pull out my phone to shoot a quick text to Scott telling him that I probably won't be back home by dinner time.

As I'm paying attention to my phone and not watching where I'm going I bump into someone and am flying towards the ground. My elbows immediately burn as they get scraped up against the ground.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," I hear a female voice saying. I look up and see a girl standing in front of my with a worried look on her face. She holds her hand out for me and I grab it even though I mostly get up on my own.

"Nah it's my fault," I say sliding my phone into my pocket and giving her an apologetic look. "I shouldn't have been texting and walking. They honestly should have more commercials for texting and walking than they do for texting and driving cause lord knows what else I could've ran into. I'm better off running into you than a car in the middle of traffic."

"We're in a parking lot," she says giggling a little bit. "For some reason I think you'd be safe from getting seriously injured by and onslaught of cars."

"I guess you're right," I say looking down at my elbows. They're both beet red and have little pieces of gravel stuck in them. I wince as I brush them off.

"I'm so sorry," she says looking at my elbow.

"It's fine," I say waving her off. "It'll probably just sting a little bit while I'm carrying the rest of my stuff into the school. Other than that I think I'll be fine."

"I'll help you," she says smiling up at me. My smile falters a little bit when I see her face light up. It's like my brain can't quite comprehend how beautiful her smile is. "It's the least I can do since I rammed into you and messed up your arm."

"No it's fine," I say shaking my head. "I got it."

"It's really no problem," she says walking in front of me and towards the cars that are in the parking lot. "C'mon, where's your car at?"

I shake my head and follow behind her, telling her what my car looks like. We stop at my truck and it doesn't dawn on me until I'm about to open the trunk what exactly it is that I'm asking her to help me carry. I freeze with my hand on the handle of the trunk. There are literally only two ways that this could go.

1. All of my wishes could be answered and when I turn around she won't be there and it'll have all turned out to be a figment of my imagination.

2. I'll open up the trunk and she'll see the buckets full of underwear, assume that I kidnap girls for fun or I'm a pervert, then run away screaming.

"Are you having a tough time opening up the trunk?" She asks walking up behind me and I twist around looking down at her with wide eyes.

"No..." I say leaning against the trunk. "I just realized that you're probably going to be missing class if you help me carry this. You should really be getting to class."

"I actually don't have any classes for the rest of the day," she says. Of course she doesn't have any other classes for the rest of the day. Of course. "C'mon just open it up."

I nod and turn around. Of course this would happen to me. A pretty girl runs into me, shoves me onto the ground, wants to help me carry some stuff and my stuff just has to be several buckets of women's underwear.

This must be why I don't have a girlfriend yet.

I grip the handle and take a deep breath. I slowly open the trunk and she comes up behind me as she looks at what I've been hauling around with me all day. I grip my nose with my two fingers as I prepare myself for the embarrassment that's about to hit me.

"Is that women's underwear?"


Halooooo, it's been so long since I've updated this book and I was thinking about it earlier. I wanted to throw another bonus chapter at you guys but I didn't want to do another coupley one right off the bat. So here's life through Daniel's eyes. I had to make it a part 1, part 2 thing because it's 1:38 in the morning and it would've been too much to not have this be two separate chapters.

Did ya miss me?

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on the Rogers men all being 'fucking adorable'?

Thoughts on me still updating this story?

Thoughts on thoughts?

Thoughts in general?

I need sleep. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I love you all!!





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