The next morning I go to school early hoping to find Harry near my locker during the free period we both have. I wait next to my locker for 45 minutes and he never shows up. Why should I have even expected him to show up? He's no one, just a random guy who I almost got to know, that's all.


Lunch is soon over and I didn't see Harry, I'm starting to get the feeling he didn't come to school because of me. The whole lunch Lily just sat their giving me bad looks and didn't say a word, me knowing that Marie told her about how I felt about her. I almost wanted to just yell out "I'm gay, it's not your fault." I would obviously not do it though. The bell rings and I start walking to the next period's class, French. I have French with Harry but I know that he won't be there. I walk in and his seat is empty, I sigh but not of relief, more like disappointment. I take a seat and the teacher begins her lecture about how most english words originate from French. I don't even pay attention, I'm to busy drawing squiggly lines on the desk. She calls on me knowing that I'm not paying attention.

"Mr. Tomlinson, why don't you tell us what I just said?"

She arches her eyebrow.

When I look up my stomach drops. Harry is sitting in his seat, I can see his dark hair and his black shirt. He turns back to look at me along with the rest of the class after the teacher called me out. He looks at me and gives me a small smile, barley noticeable but enough for me to see.

"That's what I thought, pay attention Louis."

The teacher calls out and I turn my gaze away from Harry to her.


The bell rings and Harry leaves before I can stop him,

"Pretend that you don't know me..."

His voice pops into my mind again. I know that I can't just talk to him like I would want to but where do we go from here?



The same thing happens today, I wait at my locker hoping Harry would somehow show up but he didn't. I don't see him at lunch today either but I do see him in French. Is he avoiding me? French ends and I go to English class, hopefully Mrs. Peter's got my paper. I sit down at my desk and wait for her to pass the paper's back. She calls up every student one by one, alphabetically.

"Louis Tomlinson."

She calls.

I stand up out of my seat and walk to the front of the class, everyone else is too busy bragging about what good of a grade they got. After all this was the honors class what else do you expect? I proceed to the front where Mrs. Peter's desk is at. I stand in front of her desk as she hands me my paper with a big red F on it. What?

"Mrs. Peter's?"


She looks up at me.

"Why did I get an F on it?"

"If you want to discuss your grade, stay after class."

I go back to my seat and read over it, there are no corrections on it and it's not late? Why would she give me such a bad grade on it?

The class goes on and we talk about our book report that will be due next month. I'm anxious for the class to end so I can ask her about my unfair grade. I keep looking at the clock waiting for the bell to ring, I've never gotten and F on anything ever. The bell then rings and everyone disappears from their desk before I even standup. I approach the teacher and confront her about my grade.

"Why did-"

"You got an F because of the topic you used Louis."

She answers before I can ask.

"But the topic was society?"

"Yes it was, but you used same sex marriage in comparison."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Many things."

She answers as she cleans the chalk board.

"No there isn't."

"Louis I'm not going to argue with you."

I leave in realization that the reason why she gave me the F is because I support same sex marriage. Marie wasn't kidding about how homophobic this town really is.



My mum drove me to school today, she practically begged to take me. I walk through the front doors and go to my locker, the halls are empty since first period has already started. I open my locker and a paper falls out. A note? I open it up and it reads...

"Hey Louis,

I'm sorry about what happened on Monday, I really didn't mean to do that. You probably think that I'm attracted to you in a sexual way and I know you wouldn't be comfortable if I was so I'm writing this to tell you that you don't have to worry about that. I'm sure you probably already have your eye on some guy around here eh? Don't think that I've been trying to avoid you this week, I just felt the need to give you space unaware of who you felt. Anyways, I know that we've only talked a couple times and have hung out twice, but I honestly feel that you're the only person I can actually talk to around here. I haven't had a friends in a while and maybe it's time to change that. I feel that we could actually become good friends and hang out more. I was thinking that maybe you'd want to hang out tomorrow Friday? Oh and you won't have to worry about what happened on Monday happening, that won't happen again I promise. You can chose where we hangout this time, just not anywhere where people from school see us. I don't want people to think I'm warming up to people haha. If you accept this invitation, wait for me next to my car tomorrow as soon as the bell for first period rings. I'm really sorry for everything and I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore.

Sincerely, Harry."

My stomach is churning and I feel my cheeks flush just by reading the long note he left behind. I feel my heart flutter but a burn when I read the part of him thinking that I wouldn't want to be friends with him. Of course I want to be friends, he is the only non-homophobe around here.

The day seems so much longer than normal, I just want it to be tomorrow. Maybe this won't be so bad after all, we could actually become friends?



*Harry's POV*

What if he doesn't show up? What if I creep the fuck out of him after what happened on Monday. I would't blame him if he was. What kind of sick twisted person kisses a stranger. But he's not really a stranger is he? He's a lot like Sam. A lot. But he's better. Louis is quiet and reserved and innocent. I can't compare him to Sam, I need to forget about Sam. I sigh and hit the back of my head against the locker. There are so many mixed emotions with all of this, I don't want to mess it up. I know I gave him the impression that I just wanted to be friends in the note but I don't, what if he does? I can't think about this right now. I need to learn to just be friends with him, nothing more. At least not right now. The bell rings to go to first and Louis hasn't come to his locker at all this morning. Maybe he's outside already, or he's running late?

I start to walk towards the front of the school where the front doors are at. I approach them and I walk outside. The parking lots are right inform of the front yard of the school. I make my way down the stone path to the parking lots and look towards my car. He's not there.

{Please vote and comment <3 Thank you soo much for reading, it means alot and your guys' feedback on twitter is amazing! I hope everyone had a nice New Years and I wish you all the best of luck for this year:)}

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