Chapter 14: Waking Up with You(s) In Front of Me?

Start from the beginning

Now, how could I get them water without coming back. I head back to my house and found a jag of water stored inside. I used my nadder call to summon Stormfly and instructed her to bring the water jag with an attached note saying "I'm off somewhere." to Heather and Ruffnut. She squawked in understanding and I went in my hut ready for sleep. Although I'm not the rest all day kind of Viking I really need to take a break right now. I never imagined myself saying these words in my head. All my life I was a warrior. I am a Warrior. A Hofferson. A Viking. A Dragon Rider. A Sheidmaiden. I was trained by my own to work, to serve, and to protect. I forbid myself to take a rest most of the time except for the time when I was one of the people who convinced Hiccup to let us all rest including himself.

That time was different from this one. Sure I was tired at that time because of the pressure and I for one, knew all to well that we all needed rest. But right now despite being sick, I feel like it's not my body shutting me down. I mean, I did trained succesfully without them noticing my constant tremors and I did get back here at my hut witjout a single scratch on my body. It's like this time, it was me telling my self to rest. Not because I needed to but because I wanted to. Not because I'm ill or I'm tired but for no particular reason except to enjoy myself and relax. As my thoughts drifted, so did I into a peaceful slumber.


I opened my eyes to hear two familiar voices having a conversation with me in the middle. They didn't notice my presence yet and I took my time observing and getting to know what they are talking about. Okay is an understatement from the recovery I felt. I feel so much more alive and energetic more than the usual. Maybe I should go to rest more often when I wanted.

"She's not sick. She doen't even have a high temperature. Maybe she just wanted to rest." Ruffnut stated.

"But why would she run from us like that?" Heather retorted.

"Maybe she don't want to hang-out with us? I don't know but she's not even cold." Ruffnut argued.

"I know, but still..." She trailed off lost for words. I cleared my throat and it took them a second or two before noticing my presence and started scolding me.

"Why did you left us?" Heather asked.

"I did say that I would get you guys water, right? I'm pretty sure that you permitted me to leave you both to do that." I said with a hint of a duh tone. I was being a bit sassy.

"You know what I mean Astrid." She said.

"I'm tired so I slept and asked Stormfly to deliver you the water. I do understand if you're mad at me for keeping  you waiting for hours. How many hours did I sleep by the way?" I asked which made the two of them surprised.

"Astrid, it has only been ten minutes." Heather informed. "Why do you feel like it's hours?" She asked.

"I guess the rest did more to me than I thought. I kinda feel hyper right now." I admitted but it shocked me too. Ten minutes and it feels like I've been sleeping for more than half a day. It's kind of intriguing but the important thing is I gained my strenghth back. Maybe even more.

"But if you were gone like that for long hours and we found you sleeping, it's not just us here who will be waiting for you. Hiccup would be here worrying about you don't you think?" Ruffnut pointed.

"But why would he do that?" My thoughts slipped right through my mouth.

"Because he's your boyfriend and he's been like that to you I don't know... since forever?" She said. Maybe Hiccup and I have been oblivious with each other's feelings the whole time. And I thought we were the most observant ones. How ironic. We observed how the others around us feel but not our own closest friend's besides from our dragon.

At the mention of his name I remembered what I should be working on right now aside from training and doing the mission. It's about confessing to Hiccup and knowing how he feels towards me. That's just when I noticed that my sight was swirling around and I couldn't see Heather nor Ruffnut anymore. Their face were like smudges before I can't tell who from who anymore and everything turned blurry.

I closed my eyes hoping that once I opened them my vision will go back to normal instead of the spinning images of scenery and colors in my head. But when I did I found myself looking at no other than Hiccup.

Not just one Hiccup Haddock. But two of them.

Hope you like it :)

Next chapter will be out soon. Thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, follows, and for adding this book to your reading lists. Love you guys ♡

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