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The entire shinobi team had left for their village, but not before looking for Konohamaru who had been trying to hide from them by using the pantry. It was sad since the Avatar's team weren't able to say farewell to their new found friends, Korra had been helping the police with reconstruction and bettering relations with the citizens. Asuma and Zabuza also used their ability to flush out any other remnants of the Equalists army which was very few, Haku also began to contribute by helping the White Lotus with some of their activities to increase the quality of their training after the number of devastating loses that they had been dealt. As for Naruto he began to spend time as Asami's assistant since her father's incarceration she was now the head of the Future Industries company, and she would need all the help she could get wiping the corrupted image her father made. Bolin and Mako were now out of a job since the destruction of the pro-bending arena being out of commission, but Mako joined the police force in hopes of becoming an officer, and Bolin began to use his image for advertising.

Police HQ

The station was close to empty with only a select few staying incase there was a crime. Lin would have loved to be out there assisting with reconstruction and patrolling, but she was at the station filling reports.

"I'm getting restless" she sighed whispering to herself

Report after report came in and out after signing her men though few were rushing through halls. Even if it was paperwork it was equally exhausting as patrolling. Mako in the police was a suprising move, Bolin going into advertisement and using his status to get ahead in life wasn't.

Downtown Republic City

Korra was rebuilding a part of a broken apartment building that had been destroyed one of the fighter planes with a few other buildings getting hit by the falling debris. She had moved some of the rubble with earth bending making a way for the construction crews to start work.

"Phew! This is tough" she said wiping some sweat off
"Well don't give out yet kid we still got a few others" Asuma said looking at her

They left to the surrounding buildings that got hit, and began to move rubble out the way. The police used metal bending to move the metal beams so that they could get proper supports in.

Mako & Bolin

Mako was in the police station filing out reports of some of the last few Equalists that still operated in the city, though now arrested he was getting the signature this running around was one of the few things he disliked.

"I bet Bo is having the time of his life" Mako said sighing with a slight smirk

Bolin was now in a photo shoot to help promote good relations with the citizens and police, this caused a need for posters of Bolin with fellow police and citizens.

"Okay all we need is one last picture and we'll be ready for printing" the director

Bolin wiped some sweat from his brow due to the heat of the lamps that were set. He took a deep breath and was now ready for work to be down.

Asami and Naruto

Asami was now the head of Future Industries though a bit unfit for the position she could do the math, but without any ideas for any real products the company would be doomed. Luckily Naruto had ideas from his village that helped a bit like portable radios the size of a ball which would be a real sell since small radios were harder to carry. Even a few ways of advertising and marketing out ways to get some get contracts as well.

"This is way too stressful" Asami said holding her head tiredly
"The life of a businesswoman" Naruto joked a bit
"Yeah, well at least your hear to help me" she said with a smile


Tenzin was now writing an agreement so that they would be prepared for the Shinobi Nations made true contact. Tenzin sighed from exhaustion from making the agreement so detailed.

"What's the matter dear?" Pema asked
"After the arrival of Naruto and his friends I've been drawing up an agreement" he answered

Then a cry was heard, apparently when the Equalists attacked the Air Temple Pema had her baby naming him Rohan.

"It's amazing how he was born during all that" Pema said as her husband came from behind and held her

Though the threat of Amon was gone more cake in the wake, the Akatsuki are now planning now that the Grand Convergence approaches.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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