The Akatsuki Profiles

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They all had gathered in the dining room taking seats on each side of the table.

"So what're we dealing with?" Lin asked sitting close to Shikamaru who had all the files they had compiled of the Akatsuki.

"Okay first off this group isn't like the Equalists, they will kill anyone and everyone who gets in their way" Shikamaru emphasized
"So they don't care about civilians?" Mako asked shocked
"No, we're dealing with some of the most dangerous criminals in our homeland one scent of hesitation and they will strike to kill" Shikamaru emphasized again
"So how do we defeat a group that kills without mercy?" Tenzin asked himself
"We can't" Asuma answered
"What!? Why not!?" Lin asked
"They won't show themselves unless they need to" Asuma answered again
"So they're just a bunch of cowards!?" Korra asked in anger
"Coward or not they have the upper hand"
"So what do we do?" Bolin asked in a panic
"The Akatsuki might not show themselves, but they have a hand in planning attacks" Sai added
"How so?" Asami asked
"The Akatsuki are masterminds of terrorism they have killed several ninja, some stronger than most" Asuma noted
"So what would they do after a stunt like this?" Lin asked
"They would take advantage of the chaos and try to buy time for Amon and his men"
"They would most likely use gorilla warfare on the city using the shortage of men to thin them out" Asuma explained
"So what is their main goal in all of this?" Tenzin asked
"They need Amon alive long enough to finish his task and they'll get rid of him" Asuma answered
"Tell me what they can do?"
"The person who caused the explosion is named Deidara he has an ability to create clay bombs on massive scales"
"What? Really that sounds totally not awesome" Bolin said first as awed then saddened
"And from the other reports Hidan and Kakuzo are in on this as well" Shikamaru said
"Who are they?" Mako asked
"The Five Great nations called them the immortal duo for good reason" Zabuza answered
"Hidan is seemingly unaffected by any amount of damage and Kakuzo can take human hearts and use them to prolong his own life"
"Now I know why they're your most dangerous criminals" Lin said
"Yes, but I think these are going to be the only members for now" Asuma added
"Why do you think that?" Tenzin asked
"Akatsuki don't like using all their members on one plan just in case they fail"
"So these are all we can expect?" Lin asked
"With luck hopefully" Asuma said

Then Ino came in with more news of the memories of the Equalists they had caught.

"What is it Ino?" Sakura asked
"I found something in the Equalists memories it would seem that there's some kind of factory outside of the city" Ino explained
"Huh, we'll send a team that will investigate and keep a few here" Asuma said

Asuma then made a team so that they could investigate the factory. Those who went were Shino, Sakura, Haku Zabuza And Shikamaru. Naruto and his team: Kiba and Akamaru, Choji and Lee had been told to help patrol the city with team Korra.

Police Skyship

Naruto and Korra's team had been on the blimp floating around the city. Naruto was sitting on seat by the window looking outwards. As everyone was standing by the two team began to make conversation.

Kiba and Korra

"So there are ninja dogs?" Korra asked with an eyebrow raised
"Yes, we help train them to recognize scents and combat formations" Kiba explained
"What about you guys then?" Korra asked
"We also develop keen senses mostly in scent" Kiba said pointing to his nose

Lee and Choji, Bolin and Mako

"So how are you that strong?" Bolin asked curious after their spar
"I have trained continously ever since I was young!" Lee said with his fist held tight
"What really?" Mako asked in disbelief
"He's not joking, he has continuously since he was in the academy" Choji confirmed
"Of course I am! Why would I joke about something like this!?" Lee said with a smile

Naruto and Asami

The two sat by the window so that they could get a better view of the city.

"Well your friends are lively" Asami said with a smile
"Yeah, I know" he said with a chuckle
"So do you think we can stop these guys?" She said a bit worried
"Yes, we've done it before we can do it again" he reassured her

Outside Factory

Asuma and his team had gotten close to the factory it wasn't big of to be spotted for miles, but was big enough to build whatever they needed in somewhat large quantities.

"So that's the factory?" Sakura asked
"Yeah and look"

They all turned to the large cloud of smoke coming out of it, showing that it was operational.

"So how do you want to do this?" Shino asked
"We retreat for now, and tell Lin what we've found"

Just before they did a large force of Equalists came out heading towards the city.

"Shino place a tracker bug on one of those men" Asuma ordered

Shino then summoned a insect letting it fly away. They all then left to inform Lin of their discovery of the factory.

Air Temple Island

The patrol team had just came back from their route check ups, as did Asuma's team who were just then talking to Lin.

"So this group is in the city right now?" She asked Asuma
"Yeah, but thanks to Shino we can track where they're headed"
"Good, let's go find them"

Naruto approached the group noticing his presence they decided to inform him.

"So you guys find anything?" Naruto asked
"Just one thing, Equalists are in the city why? we won't know until after we found them" Asuma answered
"Okay well how do we find them?"
"You and whoever else you want to along will track them down, and whoever else will go to the factory to see what they're making"

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