Republic City

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"Man how long till I find a town?" I said in exhaustion.

It had been three years after the Great Ninja War, me and Sasuke both decided to wander and to discover new areas. I also needed time to make peace with everything after the war I had lost some of my precious friends:Neji,Asuma,and....Hinata the one I cared most about was now gone.

As I began walking I decided to make camp. As I did I began to reminisce over the past. After the sun went down fully and the sky was out I had saw the stars they seemed to be happy even after everything, but sometimes I wish I had that kind of peace like they did. My eyes began to become heavy and I soon drifted off.

"Who is that?"
"Hello Naruto"
"What Hinata?"

I looked around and saw Hinata and two children. I was both sad and happy, sad because it was a dream,happy because it was something that could've happen.

After several moments of taking in what they looked a white light blinded me.

I began to wake putting my hand in front of my face to cover the sun. Lifting myself up I packed my things and began to walk again putting on my cloak. After two hours of walking I saw something out of the ordinary. Over the tree line I saw a huge statue of a bald man holding a staff, but before I could get any closer I felt a threatening presence. Before I knew it I jumped out of the way of a huge blade.

"What the hell?"

As I landed and the smoke began to clear thats when I saw them.

"No way" I said in shock

"Well long time no see!!"
"You've gotten better brat"

"You two are supposed to be dead!"

The two in front of were none other than the immortal duo:Hidan, and Kakuzo.

"Hahaha well Jashin is good to those who praise him!"

After taking a good look at them something seemed off, and I couldn't just put my finger on it.

Hidan came at me again, I dodged him though, but as soon as I did Kakuzo was in front of me.

"They're faster!" I thought

"Lightning style: Mock Lightning Justu!"

A bright light came over me again knocking me unconscious.

Three hours later

I woke up sore, but thanks to my abnormal healing I was recovering. I looked around and saw I was on the edge of the tree line by the shore of a lake. I got up and looked a bit closer and saw a huge city. It was right by the statue from earlier. I slowly made my way into the city.
I walked down the sidewalk in amazement. It looked like The Hidden Leaf, but there were these things on wheels almost like wagons just metal. That's when I heard crashing coming from down one of the streets. A huge animal of sorts was rampaging through traffic it was odd at first, but I soon ignored it assuming it was some weird custom. I walked down each street looking at the locals to see of what I was doing was wrong or not. I had went to one of the banks and turned in what ever money I had for their currency. I then went to a nearby food stand and asked for noodles. They weren't as great as Ichiraku, but they did the trick.

As I got done I decided to go around town looking from the rooftops for a better view. As I looked I saw that there was some sort of commotion happening at the far end of town. I headed towards that way in curiosity. I still was on top of the roofs so no one could see me.

What suprised me was that it was the weird animal from before. This time I saw a girl with dark hair and skin with some sort of tribal outfit. She was confronting some men that looked like thugs of some sort.

"Who are you!? You better get going before you get hurt!!"
"I was going to say that!"

The girl ended up fighting the group unfortunately for them she was strong, but what caught me off guard was how they fought. Based on some sort of movement she could manipulate an element. Before the fight could go any further a huge blimp was over us. Men wearing pieces of metal sprang from it and decended from it. They had rounded up the thugs.
"There you go officers I took care of the bad guys"
"You're also under arrest"
"What!? I just caught the bad guys!"
"You also endangered lives by doing so!"

As he was about to arrest her she called her animal friend. They then started a game of "catch me if you can" the guys in metal chased after her as did I. The girl made it as far as a bridge on the far end of town. Until she was caught.

Korra's POV Police HQ

I sat there waiting for someone or anyone to come for me. I couldn't do much since I was cuffed to a metal table. As soon as I knew it some came through, it was a woman who had gray hair and two scars on her face.

"I'm Lin Beifong head of the police"
"Wait your a Beifong, I'm the avatar your mom and Aang used to travel together!"
"That's all in the past I'm wondering what your doing in my city"

She slamming her hands on the table, but as she did someone else came through

"Lin your looking as radiant as ever"
"Tenzin cut the pleasantries what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to ask that you release her into my custody"

They both looked at each other with narrowing vision. Then she spoke..

"You don't make this easy huh? Alright then she's yours"

As she said that she did a slight movement to uncuff me. We then left the room and began to walk down the hall.

"So how's everything going here?"
"Not so good"
"Why is that?"
"Well first there was a huge explosion right outside the city.."
"What?" Tenzin said shocked at this piece of information
"Yeah it wasn't just small either it was the size of a city block Tenzin"
"What could be?"
"We found no evidence of any bending being used"
"Hmm what else?"
"Besides the avatar's friend rampaging through the streets nothing much"

As we made it to the door and found a guard with Naga.

"Is this yours" he said with his hair messed up

Air Temple Island

"Tenzin I wanted to say thanks-"
"Why did you leave the southern water tribe?" He asked cutting me off
"Because Tenzin I'm tired of not getting out and seeing the world I mean look at this place!" I said gesturing to Republic City
"Well your going back immediately"
"Do not argue Korra it's final"

We then made our way slowly to the temple and were greeted by Tenzin's three children Ikki,Meelo and Jinora.

"Daddy!" They all said hugging him
"And Korra's here!"
"Korra are you going to be staying here with us!?"
"No sorry I'm heading back to home"
"What!? Why?"
"Dad could Korra please stay!?"

They all looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"I ughh... Alright, but tomorrow we'll be starting your airbending training"
He said sternly

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