Our Training

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Tenzin had spent half the hour learning bout there homeland. He found out that there were actually two leaders in each land there was the Kage and The Lord. The Kage from Tenzin's point of view was the military leader and the Lord was the political aspect.

As he was discussing more with Asuma Korra finally made an appearance in her airbending outfit jogging up to Tenzin.

"Hey Tenzin what'cha doin?" Korra asks
"Oh Korra I was just talking to Asuma about his homeland"

She then saw Naruto and Haku sparring they were using a style of fighting unfamiliar to her. Then stopping to see her starring at them.

"Wow!" She said in amazement

Naruto then was sizing up a strange obstacle with several spinning doors.

"Hey...whats this?" Naruto says looking at Tenzin
"Oh this is an obstacle that teaches you to master the movements of airbending"
"Hmm" Naruto looks at it with curiosity
"Can I try it?"
"Umm...sure, but I don't see how it will benifit you in anyway"

He then smirks at and waits for him to start it.

"Well okay then" Tenzin says taking position in front of the obstacle and throwing a gust of wind making the doors spin.

"Don't worry if you don't get it first time" Korra says

Naruto takes a deep breath and goes in the gates as he does he moves that not even an airbender would achieve he seems to dance with the gates, moving and ever adapting to the speed and movement of the gates and finally landing on the other side.

Tenzin and Korra's jaws dropped in what they had witnessed. Asuma unsurprised takes a drag of his cigarette and exhales. Naruto then walks up to them.

"Impressive obstacle you have its similar to one my master showed me" Naruto says with a grin.
"Umm..." Tenzin was now speechless
"That was amazing Naruto" Korra complimented
"Oh thanks" he says rubbing the back of his head with a grin.
"So let's start your training" He says breaking them out of their speechless state.
"Oh,yes let us" Tenzin

Meditation Area

"Why are we here? This is the meditation area" Korra asks
"Oh I like to meditate before I begin training" He says rubbing the back of his head
"Oh" Korra says a little suprised
"Well Korra has been having trouble with her meditations maybe you can assist her?"
"Well okay" Naruto shrugs

He then goes into his regular meditating position as does Korra and Tenzin. Naruto closes his eyes and begins to breath as does Tenzin, but Korra is unable to.

"Seems like I still can't do it" Korra says with a sigh
"What? Why not?" Naruto asks tilting his head in a bit of confusion
"I don't know I've never been able to ever since starting my Avatar training"
"Hmm?" Naruto says cupping his chin in deep thought

After a few minutes he decides to try the same method as his master did.

"Korra I'm gonna try something is that alright?"
"Yeah I guess" she says tilting her head

Naruto gets up and walks over to her and sits in front of her then holds out her hands. She looks at both seeing one is bandaged up and the other one isn't.

"Give me your hands" Naruto tells her

Korra develops a small blush and does as instructed.
"Now close your eyes"

Korra does as instructed again

"Now I want you to focuse on a time that you feel very strong about"

Korra focuses on several things and sees one that she couldn't recognize, but she begins to feel several emotions this helps her calmly meditate.

Tenzin is astounded by what Naruto was able to do with Korra. She then opens her eyes in a amazement.

"What was that?"
"It's called a focus thought this will help you meditate when you need it"
"How come I couldn't recognize it?"
"Because it's not fully developed yet you haven't experienced that much for it to become a full thought this is also why you haven't been able to have a focused emotion yet"
"Huh okay"

Then they begin to move to a practice area where she would learn to control her airbending. Naruto had asked Asuma to help as well in hopes he can explain it to her.

"Okay let's do this!" Korra shouted
"Calm down, first we need you to draw on that wind energy of yours"
Asuma informed her

She raises an eyebrow in confusion, but nonetheless waits for instructions.

"Now tell me what was your focus when you were trying to tap into it"
"Let me guess you focus more on the destruction it causes than the actual technique?"

Korra was shocked at what he just said he practically read her mind!

"Okay let me try something" he says releasing some smoke from his cigarette
"I want you to focuse more on the element than the actual result of it being used"

She closes her eyes and visions the element in front of her, but she is suddenly interrupted by Pema who calls everyone for supper

"Huh didn't guess it was that late, well we'll have to finish this later" Asuma says putting out his cigarette

Everyone enters the Temple dining room table and prepares to eat. Tenzin's family and Korra say thanks until Taarlok enters the room.

"Good evening everyone" Taarlok says with a wave.
"Taarlok as you can see we are prepared to eat-" Tenzin is cut off by Taarlok
"Oh good as I am famished" he says sitting in a seat by Korra and Meelo
"Why do you have ponytails? Why do you smell like a lady? Your weird" Meelo says making Taarlok twitch his eyebrow
"Aren't you....adorable"
"Anyway why are you here?" Tenzin asks sternly
"Oh I'm here for Korra"
"Yes, I was just thinking based on today's new found information about you entering the rally I was thinking how that took real initiative and was hoping to talk you into joining-"
"The task force you've put together?" Asuma finishes for him
"Umm..yes how'd you-"
"The papers were on your desk when I was doing recon"
"Anyway I would like for you to join Republic City needs it's Avatar"

She then was in deep thought and finally came up with an answer.

"I came to Republic City to finish my avatar training and that's all so I'm sorry councilman"

"I'm disappointed, but if you ever change your mind you know where to find me"
Taarlok says slightly suprised gets up and begins to leave

Everyone besides the shinobi were beginning to eat.

After dinner Korra went to her room and thought about what had happened. She was still shaken by what she had witnessed Amon do, but soon after the thoughts left her as she fell asleep.

The WandererOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora