Equalists Invasion

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The planes could be heard from the skies, and the loud stomping of the mechs as they marched to city hall. Lin was able to send men to help defend it though they couldn't completely stop them they could at least slow down their advance.

Air Temple Island

Right now a team of Equalists was sent to air temple island. There was a small group of White Lotus sentries though most of the order was with the police fending off the attack. the Equalists charged them immediately the Sentries only got a few hits in till they were defeated. the Equalists slowly made their in the compound , looking over the surroundings carefully.

"Find the avatar and capture her alive!" The leader ordered

One went into the main building looking through each room, as he reached the last one opening it he was greeted with a blade to his throat any noise was silenced by Asuma's hand which covered his mouth. He then dropped to the floor dead Asuma then calmly left the room in search of th others.

The other part of the team went into the lower part of the compound, the halls were small and hard to maneuver a small team. As they walked they came face to face with a rather large man.

"Well well look at we have here" Zabuza chuckled
"Men! Charge!" An Equalists ordered

They charged which was difficult due to what little space there was. One jumped over his comrades, but was slashed his blade. Another charged and was caught by the throat then tossed back at his comrades Zabuza then thrusted his blade into all three of them instantly killing them.

"Well better go greet the welcoming party" he joked hoisting his blade on his shoulder

In the courtyard the rest of the Equalists stood waiting for the search party to get here.

"Where are they?" The leader growled
"And where's the Avatar!?" He growled again
"She ain't here" a deep voice answered

He spun around to see two men looking at them directly. Zabuza swung his blade waiting for them to make a move, while Asuma took a drag of his cigarette.

"What are you waiting for get them!!" The leader ordered

His men then charged them Zabuza used his Hidden Mist Jutsu making them all lose sight of them and come to a stop. They slowly walked extremely carefully after hearing the reports about this technique.

"Burning Ash Jutsu!" Asuma said igniting the mist

The plan had always to bring in a kill zone and to take them all at once. Leaving the leader the only one to face them. He charged attacking them though he missed and continued to not once making a hit. He was then trapped in a water prison and then sliced in half.

"Well that takes care of that" Asuma said
"Yeah and let's hope that Korra gets there in time" Zabuza said as put his blade in his holster

Police HQ

Korra had made her way to the police headquarters in order to help with fending off the Equalists. Lin was directing the police force, and was suprised when Korra came in.

"Korra what are you doing here?" Lin asked sternly
"I'm here to help you" She answered
"You're supposed to be at the temple!"
"Lin I'm the avatar I'm supposed to help!!" She contorted

Lin and Korra were in a stare off until caved in to her.

"Okay you can help"
"Good, then I'll go get in position -"
"Not here" Lin said cutting her off
"I'm going to put you on the front lines we need to help reinforce the forces fighting off the Equalists mechs at the hall, Tenzin and Naruto's team are there" Lin said with a sigh
"Alright! Don't worry Lin we'll win this!" Korra said with determination in her voice

Korra then left with a small team that had left for the hall.

City Hall

The mechs along with a few chi blockers made small advances towards the hall, but the bombardment from the benders made it extremely difficult to move. Korra and the team she had been with had seemed to arrive on time.

"Korra what are you doing here!?" Tenzin asked fending off a few Equalists
"I'm here to help!" She answered kicking a column of rock at a group Equalists
"You're supposed to be with Asuma and Zabuza!" He said again
"Tenzin I'm the avatar I need to be here!" She said

Tenzin developed a grim look, but then refocused on the objective and fought on. Naruto's team was using a series of attacks to slow down the chi blockers from attacking the benders.

"Shadow Art: Shadow Strangle Jutsu!"

Shikamaru's shadow then began to strangle a few of the Equalists until they could move any more.

"Hidden Leaf Combo Attack!"

Rock Lee shouted taking out six men and continued to battle the Equalists chi blockers.

"Fang Over Fang!"

Kiba and Akamaru did their signature move injuring some of the chi blockers. Naruto's clone Jutsu held off most of the Equalists, what proved to be difficult was the mechs themselves unable to help the shinobi were mainly stuck with fending off the blockers. That was when Sakura and her team came to help.

"We're here!" Sakura shouted ready to fight
"Good we need your help!" A White Lotus shouted

Sakura's team then got into position with Asami giving advice on how to fight the mechs. Haku used his ice style to freeze the ground to make it difficult walk in the mechs. Sakura then charged one of the mechs using her monstrous strength to punch in the mechs body.

"Hey! Shikamaru where's Bolin and Mako!?" Korra asked
"A few broke from the group and entered the hall!! So they chased after them!!" He answered
"Let's hope they're okay" Tenzin said

City Hall

Bolin and Mako were facing off with Equalists though having very little success.

"How are we supposed to fight these guys!?" Bolin asked
"We'll just have to deal with it!!" Mako answered

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