A Turn Of Events

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Naruto's POV

I had been watching Avatar Korra practice her airbending that was until she destroyed it. It was until later that day she went to go see that pro bending thing at the arena

Korra's POV

After destroying the obstacle at the temple I went to really go see my first pro bending match. I entered the booth and saw Mako and Bolin with sad expressions.

"Hey guys did I miss your match? You look like you already lost"
"We might as well have" Bolin responded
"Hasooks a no show and we're down a member"
"Why not ask one of them?"
I suggested pointing at the other three in the room
"No the rules state that you have to stay on one team"

Then the door opens with the ref poking his head in

"You have two minutes or you're disqualified" then retreating back out

"Well how bout I fill in? I'm a top notch waterbender"
"Wait you the avatar isn't that cheating?"
"It's not cheating if I use only water bending"
"No way I would rather forfeit instead going out there an act like a fool"
"Well thanks for the vote of confidence"
"Hey its about to start you in or out?" The ref asks
"We're in!"

He then goes back out

"Wait I didn't agree to this!"
"Too late, once I have an idea I do it"

During the match Third POV

Korra had tried and failed to help the fire ferrets until she used earthbending leaving the crowed speechless. She was allowed to continue if she used waterbending only. That was when her airbending master Tenzin came in.

He was greatly upset until Korra was backed into a corner and started to move like an airbender.

"How bout that" he said suprised

Korra and teammates fought the remaining team and won the match. As the crowed was cheering Tenzin looked at the other side and saw a mysterious figure watching the match.

"Who is that?"

The man exited out of the arena Tenzin pursued him.

Outside the arena

Tenzin approached the man with his back facing him.

"Excuse me"

The man only slightly turned so he could hear Tenzin.

"May I ask why you are here?"
"I was enjoying the match"

The sound of the figure he sounded no older than Korra.

"Besides that, are you working with Equalists?"

A small pause came between them

"No I have no grudge with her"
"Then why are you here?"
"You'll know when we have confirmed something"
"What is it you need to confirm?"
"You'll know when we're done"

We? Tenzin thought

"Now of you don't mind I have to go and check on something"

The man vanished leaving no trace of himself.

The next day

Tenzin sat at the table reading the morning paper.

Hmm that kid from last night still troubles me even if he said had nothing against Korra it would seem we have a new player in this little game it would seem Tenzin thought

Naruto's POV

I was waiting for the others to arrive and as those thoughts left they arrived.

"Anything new?" I asked
"Nothing on the council"
"Not even the police"
"I do"
"What is it Haku?"
"It would appear that the rally is going to happen soon, but the destination is still unknown so you should go and find protesters" Haku explained
"Okay I'll go find some you guys try to find anything else"

I then left the group in search of any leads.

Korra's POV Pro Bending Gym

"Why do we have to train in the morning" I said to them while tossing a medicine ball between us
"The mornings evil" I whispered
"We're the rookie team we get the worst time slot" Bolin explained
"Especially you, since your the rookie out of us three so we have to get you up to speed, so deal with it" Mako said tossing me the ball
"You deal with!" I said throwing it at him pushing him back landing on the floor
"Ouch" Bolin added

Then a man in a suite and a top hat came in.

"Why isn't my favorite street urchins!" He said placing a hand on my shoulder
"Dear avatar it is an honor to meet you"
"Uh thanks and you are?"
"Butaka I'm in charge of this whole pro bending shebang! Here are your winnings boys"

I walked away from the conversation and was resting also thinking bout what was troubling Tenzin this morning. I was then interrupted by Bolin.

"Hey do you happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold?"
"Sorry got nothing, I always had people taking care of me"
"Then I wouldn't say you had nothing" Mako said bitterly
"Sorry I didn't mean.."
"It's okay ever since we lost our parents we had to get by on our own"
"I'm so sorry"
"So how are we going to get the money?"
"I don't know sorry I couldn't help"
"Oh we can have Pabu preform circus tricks!"
"Come on Bolin we need serious ideas"
"I was serious" Bolin said saddened
"Don't worry I'll think of something I always do"

Air Temple Island

I was weaving through the gates with Jinora and Ikki watching.

"Good light on your feet"

As I finished I spotted Mako walking up the stairs of the temple.

"Hey isn't the handsome firebender you're always talking about"

Then I pushed the two girls away with a earth pillar.

"Hey Korra have you seen Bolin?"
"Well hello to you too, but no sorry why is he missing?"
"It's just that he has a knack for getting into stupid situations"
He then began to leave
"See ya later"
"Hey of he's missing then I'll help you look for him let me go get Naga"
"Whose Naga?"
"My best friend and a great tracker"

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