New Alliances

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They had thought about it for the moment, but had doubts until Korra mentioned something.

"Listen I saw that man with the blade at the rally, so they must know something about them"

They were now troubled by what they had heard. If they did have info they didn't, they needed it. As Lin walked away Korra spoke again

"At least ask them!"

Interrogation Room

The team of three were waiting for someone to come talk to them, but they all had their focused thoughts on Haku who was still trying to get answers.

Then they heard the door open and a woman who had gray hair and two scars on her face entered. Zabuza knew who she was after spying on the police for awhile he had heard whispers and rumors of her abilities. They all stayed where they were and waited for her to speak. She looked at them carefully trying to make them out, but was no short of difficult. She then began to speak.

"Do you know why you're here?"

They all remained silent not saying a word or making a single expression.

"You're here because you have information on the Equalists don't you?"

They still remained silent and expressionless.

"Ok I'll ask a simple question: who are you?" She said glaring at the group

The older men turned to Naruto looking for direction. Naruto looked at her and then closed his eyes in deep thought.


In the other room

Tenzin and Korra looked at the group with interest, but Korra for some reason was more focused on the younger of the three.

Interrogation Room

Naruto had finished his thought and began to speak.

"I am Naruto Uzamaki a shinobi of the Village Hidden in the Leafs" he said with a sigh

Lin then focused on the young man and listen intently.

"I came to this city by accident.."

Accident? Lin thought

"My mission was to discover and chart lands not yet found, but I soon came to this city..."

Lin then was immediately interested.

"But before I could enter the city I was attacked"
"Attacked by who?"

Naruto then began to think again deeply.

"A group named the Akatsuki"
"Akatsuki?" She asked

Then the other began to contribute to the conversation.

"Yes, they're here in the city" Asuma added
"What?" Lin asked suprised
"Yeah, they've been working with that Equalists group" Zabuza added as well
"That's what we've been trying to find out" Naruto responded
"We have another teammate named Haku whose looking into this" Asuma adds
"Hmm.. I see thank you"

She then began to walk out, but was stopped

"Hey what about us?" Zabuza asked
"You'll be going to your village" she answered
"We can't" Naruto told her
"Why not?"
"Because we were also given orders to protect the Avatar" Asuma answered
"By who?"

They then looked again at Naruto

"I was told that the Akatsuki would be after her, so we were told to look after her"
"We don't know that's why we're here"
"We thank you for your concern, but the police can handle this"
"No you can't" Zabuza bluntly said
"You doubt our capabilities?" She accused
"No, the members in the Akatsuki are S rank criminals in our homeland" Asuma informed her
"What does S rank mean?"
"Most wanted and dangerous they're really powerful and we have information on them"
"Would you be willing to share this?"
"Yes, on one condition" Asuma adds
"What condition?"
"We work together: we have info on this group unknown to you and you have the numbers that we need to plan operations?"

She was hesitant at first until the door open.

"Tenzin what are you doing here?"
"I came to negotiate Lin"
"Negotiate? Why?"
"Because Lin these men have what we need to not only defeat Amon, but also to devise actions to fight against this new threat"

She was unable to argue his logic, but she was still hesitant.

"We understand how you feel, you don't trust us, but in this case your going to have to"

The room fell silent, until Tenzin spoke

"But first I want to know what how we benifit from this alliance?"
"One: information about the group currently unknown to you. Two: Resources that we over not just us, but our homelands as well. Three: a possible alliance with the elemental nations of our homeland" Asuma responded

Tenzin was in deep thought about what he just heard, but was still worried about how they benifited.

"And you?"
"We obviously get the same: info,men, and joint ops" Zabuza answered

Tenzin thought a little more and wondered what they could offer as individuals.

"I would like to discuss your individual skills at Air Temple Island if you don't mind"

Tenzin then focused on the young blond during the fight he had preformed an airbending technique that he had not seen before and wanted to know more.

Air Temple Island

Korra had been sent home by Tenzin she was still confused by why they were here. It had been two hours and she was still waiting for him to comeback.

That's when she saw Tenzin coming back, but he wasn't alone. She rushed over to him.

"Hey Tenzin!" She greeted
"Korra what are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you"

She then looked past him and saw there were three men behind. One was the man from before, another was smoking a cigarette, the other was young no older than her. She looked at Tenzin for an explanation.

"I'll tell you once everyone gets here"

They had entered the temple in room with a large table. The Shinobi sat at one side of the table and the rest sat on the other. Tenzin and Korra sat on the only side available.

Zabuza had sent a message to Haku where ever he was. It had gotten dark when everyone started to show up. Haku was the first to show.

"Haku, where were you?" Zabuza asked
"Sorry Zabuza" Haku said sitting down

Korra thought how pretty she was.

"You have a beautiful daughter" Korra complimented
"Hahaha!" Naruto busted out laughing as Haku blushed
"Haku's a boy" Zabuza told them

Which made them pale in embarrassment Haku then put on his mask.

"Sorry" Korra apologized
"It's alright and thank you"

Soon after Lin and Taarlok came in taking a seat.

"Councilman Taarlok why are you here?"
"Lin filled me in so I decided to come and lend a hand"

Tenzin glared at Lin, but sighed in defeat.

"Alright now everyone is here let's get started"

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