More Trouble

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Early in the morning Naruto and the rest of his team got up and heard a knock at the door. Naruto opened it and greeted the person who had a basket of exotic foods and sweets. Naruto took them on behalf of the Avatar and set them on the table. As he did he saw everyone else enter the room.

"Who are those for?" Korra asked
"You" Asuma said as Naruto set the last of them on the table
"Who are they from?"
"Tarrlok" Naruto said plainly
"Ugh..." She said anger and left for early training with the fire ferrets.
"Well that happened" Naruto said pointing with his thumb
"Hope she doesn't hurt those boys" Pema says in concern
"Well Tenzin with your blessing I would like to go and explore the city a bit" Naruto asks
"Yes...of course" Tenzin said hesitant at what he might do
"Thanks!" Naruto said leaving them.

In Republic City

Naruto entered the city and was amazed at what he had seen. He saw buildings that were taller than most he'd seen. Sure he saw all this while doing recon, but never got the chance to really take it all in. As he was calmly going down the street he heard an unfamiliar sound and heard a voice..

"Get out the way!!"

Naruto looked into the direction of the voice, but was too late to react. He was hit by an on coming moped. Him and the other person were sent flying. Naruto was struggling to get up...

"I'm so sorry!" The person said coming to help him removing their helmet revealing to be a girl
"It's ok oww.." He said getting up with help

As he looked at the person and noticed it was a beautiful girl with dark hair and green eyes. She supported one of his sides as he got up. Naruto blushed at her, but accepted her help.

"It's no problem" she said with a slight smile
"Is this how you usually meet people?" He said patting the dirt off himself
"No, not really" she letting out a chuckle

Naruto just figuring out what time it was decided to cut the encounter short.

"Sorry,but I got to leave..."
"Oh really may I ask why?"
"My friend is going to get off practice soon"
"Where does your friend practice?"
"She practices with the fire ferrets.."
"What really!? I'm a huge fan of theirs!"
"What really?" Naruto asked giving a slight smile
"Yes, but I would to apologize to you first..."
"Oh okay-"
"By taking you out for dinner"
"Huh?" He said almost speechless
"Yes I would like to treat to dinner... met at this address at 7 okay don't be late.." She said writing on a piece of paper
"Wait what's your name?"
"Asami, yours?"
"Well Naruto I'll see you later" she said riding off on her moped

Naruto looked at the paper and was amazed at what just happened. He never really went on a date before. He was now nervous at what tonight might bring.

Air Temple Island

Naruto had returned now distracted by what occurred earlier. He was then locked inside his mind on how he should act, how he should talk and many other things.

"What's the matter with Naruto?" Haku asked
"Don't know" Asuma said rubbing the back of his neck

As the day went on he was still in his daze until the time for his date came. He then pulled the crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and then went in search for the restaurant only to stop for directions. Apart of Naruto was doubtful about this he thought it could be some sort of prank or she would stick him up.

At the restaurant

Naruto had finally found the restaurant that was on the paper noticed that there was many wealthy people in this place, but before he could go and search Asami he was stopped by the waiter.

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