The Hokage's Order

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Kakashi was in the middle of filing some paper work until a toad came in a puff of smoke.

"You must be here to update me on Naruto's status" Kakashi asked plainly
"Yes and No" the toad said
"What?" Kakashi asked suprised
"Naruto's been hurt and needs help, Asuma's said that the situation has gotten bad as well and for you to send help!"
"What? Okay tell him I am and they'll be there!" Kakashi told him

The toad then disappeared back to Asuma with a reply

"Get me our chunnin we have a mission for them" Kakashi ordered

An Anbu Black Op then disappeared to get them.

10 Minutes Later

Kakashi had gathered all of Naruto's teammates since they were more qualified for this than anyone else.

They stood in line: Sakura, Ino, Lee, Kiba and Akamaru, Shino, Choji, and last Shikamaru

"Okay listen up I have a very important mission for you all" Kakashi announced
"What is it?" Shikamaru asked
"Earlier today I got word that Naruto had been injured and was in need of assistance" Kakashi explained
"Is he already?" Sakura asked worried
"No, that's why I've called you Sakura to give him the treatment he needs"
"So what are we waiting for?" Shikamaru asked
"There's something I need to tell you all first..."

Kakashi explained the situation of how the Akatsuki had come back and were being revived and how they plan to unseal Kaguya again he even told them of how the Sage Of Six Paths was doing the same in order to stop them

"So they're reanimated?" Shikamaru asked angered by the news
"No, they'll explain when you get there"
"We better hurry or Naruto won't survive" Sakura added

They all then left, but Kakashi felt a presence and threw a kunai at the ceiling letting Konohamaru crash to the floor

"Were you listening?" Kakashi asked plainly
"Yeah, and beg you to let me go!" Konohamaru pleaded

Kakashi then looked into his eyes and saw he was worried and took pity

"Alright you can go, but don't be a bother" Kakashi order

This caused Konohamaru to smile and to chase after his elders

"This is starting to get interesting.."
"You said it!" Guy said entering in the room in his wheel chair
"What took you so long?"
"They don't have ramp just stairs okay!!" Guy said furiously

Back at Air Temple Island

Asami had not left Naruto's side she would wash the sweat off his forehead every once in awhile so he wouldn't develop a cold. Asuma then entered the room smoking a cigarette

"Hows he doing?" Asuma asked
"Not too bad his body is just strained though" she answered in a whispered tone

A moment of silence came between them until Asuma told her of the update

"They've replied they're sending help"
"What really?" She said suprised
"Yeah, along with some others who can help with this situation"
"Really? Why?"
"Because with the Akatsuki making a comeback we might need it we mi g t also need help taking care of those new toys they've got" Asuma explained exhaling some smoke

Asami held Naruto's hand a little tighter since the topic made her uncomfortable

Shikamaru's Team

Shikamaru and his team had made it to the entrance to the city and were amazed at what they saw.

"Okay Naruto's staying at a place called Air Temple Island..." Shikamaru explained
"Over there" Ino pointed in the right direction

Air Temple Island

Korra had seen White Lotus sentries go to the front of the island. She then followed them as she did she then saw group of people wearing similar uniforms.

"Who are you!?" Korra demanded
"We're ninja from Village Hidden in the Leafs, we came to help our friend and provide assistance!" Shikamaru answered

She then was suprised to hear them say that, but notice as Shikamaru was wearing the same outfit as Asuma.

"It's alright they're friendlies" Asuma confirmed

Everyone was shocked at this seeing their dead mentor alive and well.

"Asuma Sensi?" Choji and Ino asked in unison
"Come with me and I'll explain everything"

They did as instructed, but first Asuma first decided to show Sakura where Naruto was. He then opened the door suprising Asami who jumped.

"Asami she's here to help" Asuma said gesturing to Sakura
"Hi, I'm Sakura" said making her way to her
"Asami.." Asami responded

Sakura then looked over Naruto and saw a large hit to one of his major chakra points

"Can you help him?" Asami asked worried
"Yeah, don't worry about it" Sakura answered with a smile

She then began to use her medical ninjutsu slowly, but effectively healing his both due to Sakura's aid and Naruto's healing factor. Asuma then went back to the dining room where everyone else was waiting.

"Hows he doing?" Ino asked
"He'll be fine, but for now it's high time you got some answers" Asuma said with Haku and Zabuza nearby
"That would be helpful" Shikamaru added
"Okay this is the deal.."

Asuma went on to explain how the Akatsuki were being revived by Black Zetsu with the help of an entity known as Vaatu and that the Sage Of Six Paths revived them to help Naruto with this task even mentioning Korra and the Equalists situation.

"And that's pretty much it" he concluded
"So why you?" Shikamaru asked which was something everyone wanted to know
"Because I volunteered"
"What? Why?"
"Because if I didn't the world go into another crisis and I'm not about to let that happen especially since my son has just entered into this world" Asuma said with determination

This also silenced any doubt in them

Naruto's Room

As Sakura was healing him she could tell that the girl beside her was worried

"So...have you known Naruto long?" Sakura asked
"A little over a month to tell you the truth" she answered with a weak chuckle
"Really" Sakura asked

She had known him since they were in the academy, but this woman was able to develop a close bond to him

"How long have you known him?" Asami asked
"Since we were 13" she answered

Asami was suprised at this and wondered what her relationship was with him

"We were placed on the same team together"
"I see" Asami said relieved to hear that

Sakura then began to finish healing him as his wound soon began to fade. This allowed him to exhale some air trapped in his lungs.

"He'll be fine he just needs rest" Sakura informed her
"Oh okay" Asami said relieved to hear it
"Well I better go help the others" Sakura said leaving them

After a moment of silence she whispered to him

"I'm glad you're okay" said placing a kiss on his forehead

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