Chapter Forty: The Surprise

Start from the beginning

I groaned as I rolled my eyes. "You might also want to tell your pretty little girlfriend that. So she can 'at least try' and get along with your best friends." I had my hands in the air to virtually quote the 'at least try' part.

Nathan makes it sound like the ignoring is a one-sided decision and it was entirely my idea. Well news flash! It wasn't. As far as I want to look at it, that is.

I heard him snort. "What?!" I question him again with a raised eyebrow. He is giving me this incredulous look like I have grown another head.

"How can she try if all you'd do is avoid her or shut her down? Piwie is already warming up with her too." He also arched his eyebrow at me, challenging me to retort but I can't argue with that. 

Yeah sure, she did try to talk to me several times but of course I was being very much generous to ignore her. Nonetheless, that doesn't mean this is entirely my fault!

Yes it is! I groaned inwardly as my subconscious takes my enemy's side again.

"Fine! I'll try!" I said giving up. His face lit up once more and grabbed me carelessly and brought me to a breathtaking hug. Literally.

"Thanks Kiara! You're the best!" He lifted me off my feet swinging me in the air as I struggle to get off his killer grasp. "Get off me, Finiggan! You stink!" I screamed while laughing. He ignored me though and continue suffocating me to death until we heard the warning bell.

"Alright Agent Anderson, you better be on your way." He said playfully bringing me back to the ground. Thankfully.

"Sir, yes, sir!" I did a quick salute which he replicates then we shared a hearty laugh before I turn my heel to leave.

I jog out of the gym but decided to look back and flip him the bird when he shouted, "Have fun! Don't forget to use protection!" He cracked into laughter when he saw my beet red face. That idiot!


"Since when did we become buddy-buddy?" I rolled my eyes as Stacy crossed her arms over her chest in front of me.

I have successfully cornered her to the side of the classroom where she just got out from, but since Piwie was called to the Dean's Office of their department a few minutes before the bell rang, my plan has totally been ruined. Now I have to face this all by myself and swallow my skyrocketing pride towards this girl.

She's been acting like the biyotch that she is for about two minutes now and she's already getting into my nerves.

"I just want to talk to you. Is that really hard to believe?" I groaned inwardly. This btch is really pulling pretty much all the strings of patience I have.

"Since when are we in talking terms, huh? I mean, who wouldn't be suspicious when someone I know who would never come out of her way, is actually here waiting for my class to be over just for a talk. Tell me?" I groaned now loudly for her to know how annoyed I am with her. I really can't do this!

"See? I am so not going with you. I can't be so sure. Maybe you're gonna go try to kill me!" I rolled my eyes once more as she shudders.

"You're being so melodramatic, Stacy. That scenario could be the other way around. I could be the victim here considering how things were in the past." I gave her a bored look. This is getting old now and I'm starting to regret helping my good for nothing best friend.

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