06: Fancy Dinner

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I woke up earlier then all boys and Mina to make breakfast. I looked to my right and Jungkook was sleeping there then all the rest on the floor but Mina was on my small couch.

I got up and tiptoed to the kitchen trying not to wake them all up. I made a lot of food and placed them on the table.

"You need help?" A deep voice said as I turn around and see Taehyung standing there with his messy hair

I honestly didn't need any help but I nodded just to spend some time with him.

"Can you help me cut the tomatoes?" I said as he nodded and stood next to me. We both started cutting but being beside him made me feel really nervous.

By accident I cut my finger that started bleeding as I threw the knife on the table and pushed the food away so it wouldn't get dirty.

Blood soon was dripping on the floor. Taehyung notices it and helped me wash it.

He put a bandage over it "does it hurt?" He said then I shook my head telling him I'm okay then I  thanked him for the help he offered.

"You should be careful next time" he said with the cutest smile ever.

The food soon was ready and the boys woke up "breakfast is ready!" I said to wake them up.

Mina came first then jhope namjoon Jimin and Jin but Suga and Jungkook didn't wake up yet.

"You guys eat ill check on Jungkook and Suga" I said as they nodded. I went upstairs and knocked the door.

"Yah, Jungkook-ah!!" I said as he groaned not wanting to wake up. I took a pillow and threw it at him.

He finally woke up and now it's time to wake Suga up. Well it sure was hard waking him up but finally he did.

We all walked downstairs and ate together. "Are you guys going out?" Jin said meaning Mina and I.

I looked at Mina and she looked at me then we both looked at Jin and shook our heads "no" me and Mina said.

"My parents are coming from Busan and they'd like to have a fancy dinner with all of you" Jimin said as we all nodded.

"Okay then great I'll tell my parent you guys are coming" Jimin said we all smiled then continued eating.

Since there will be a fancy dinner we'll need a nice fancy dress, me and Mina thought of going shopping but the boys wanted to join and soon we all agreed on going together.

We reached the mall and walked around, my hand was in my pockets while jungkook was walking beside me.

We found a really cool shop by the end of the mall, "let's go there" Mina said as we all went in looking for dresses to wear tonight.

"Take that one" she said pointing at a dress that was so short I even thought it was a shirt "where's the rest of it?" I said looking at it as she rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you wear it?" I said as she thought a bit "I'll try it and tell me what you think" she said grabbing it then going to the dressing room.

She came out and it looked really good so I put a thumbs up for her "it looks great take it" I said as she nodded then walked away .

Now I'll have to pick something to wear. I went through the dresses and came across lots of dresses that looked really good.

A dress was on the hanger as I picked it up then I walked a few more steps another dress also took my attention so picked it up too.

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