What do you want?

Start from the beginning

      "Gay leech?" I wondered aloud.

The man chuckled.

       "Yeah, the ugly one, less famous," He said sinisterly, "Always attached to your arm."

My stomach dropped. I clenched my fists.

      "Please don't speak of Phil that way." I said as calmly as I could, not wanting any trouble.

      "Ah- Is that his name?" The man sneered, "Phil? A suitable name for a pathetic fellow.

      "I said don't." I spat, clenching my jaw, "Just leave me alone."

Even though I wanted to go off on this man, telling him how incredible Phil was, I decided I wouldn't encourage him. The anger boiling in my stomach made me feel like a stranger. I hated being angry.

I tried to walk around him to get home, but he shoved me back roughly. I tripped over something and fell backwards, falling hard onto the cement.

I heard and felt a terrible


Pain signals shot up from my right wrist and I winced, sucking in a sharp breath.

I looked up at the man who was laughing now. Another man looked down at me evilly from behind. He must have tripped me.

      "Hey! Get away from him!" a familiar voice called. I turned my head to see Chelsea approaching, "Dan, are you okay?" she asked, getting closer.

      "I-I'm fine, Chelsea. Please stay back." I warned, not wanting her to get involved.

      "Is this your daughter then?" The second man laughed.

I sighed as I realized it was too late.

      "Leave her out of this." I said, standing up, holding tightly to my grocery bag with my left hand.

      "Sorry you've got such an awful parent." The first man sneered at Chelsea. I stepped in front of his gaze so he couldn't see her anymore.

      "Didn't you hear me?" I demanded.

The man gave me an angry look. He glanced at the other man and tilted his head, grinning.

Another hard shove came from my right, sending me full force into the brick wall of the book store. I felt another crack echo through my head. White hot pain shot through my skull. I grunted as the air was forced out of my lungs. I gasped, trying desperately to fill them again. My vision blurred. Warm liquid oozed down my forehead. My mind filled with images of Phil.

      "Dan! I'm calling 999-"

      "Didn't you hear daddy?" one of the men shouted, "stay out of it!"

My ears rung painfully. But I stood up. I wouldn't let them touch her.

      "Why are you doing this??" Chelsea cried.

      "Because," I said wearily, turning to face the men, though I couldn't see straight. I was ready to release the bubbling anger in my chest. They had made fun of Phil, they had hurt me, and now they had disrespected Chelsea. I had to say something. My mind felt jumbled as I spoke.

      "They're cowards with nothing better to do than play god. They think that just because they are one way, that is the way everyone else should be. They think they are so high and mighty because of it when in reality they are the scum of the earth. Spitting on people for being who they are, beating them up for who they love, and shouting at innocent people for trying to stop you. They just can't stand the fact that two men half their age are twice as successful. Not to mention Phil is without a doubt 100% a better person than the both of you combined. And they don't know when to fuck off."

      "Watch your mouth, you nancy." The second man threatened, stepping forward.

I stood my ground.

      "Too real for you? Well here's a reality check- Phil and I are far above you. No- Phil is far above any of us. He's never done anything with the intent of harming someone else. He's caring and friendly. He is respectful-"

      "Shut up!" A man shouted.

I ignored him. I wasn't sure exactly what I was saying, but my head and vision was spinning. I was terrified and words just kept spilling out.

      "-He is generous. He is amazing. And shits like you would be lucky to even be looked at by someone like him. And should find something better to do with your god damn time than beat me up for loving him. Because who wouldn't be in love with Phil?"

      "Shut it, Faggot!" The first man shouted, his fist coming into contact with my face. The ringing in my ears amplified and I staggered, "You're going to Hell!" He added.

      "I'll gladly go to hell if it means I can keep loving Phil." I said, my voice weak as I gasped for breath. My heart fluttered. Had I really just admitted that to a stranger? I decided to stick with it.

      "Now fuck off!" I yelled, running uneasily to chelsea, who stood amazed. She had heard everything. I grabbed her hand and ran down the street, pulling her behind me. I glanced back occasionally, looking for the men. Once I couldn't see them anymore, I stumbled to a stop.

      "Are you alright?" I asked Chelsea between ragged breaths. Tears were brimming her eyes, "Chelsea?"

The girl I had seen Chelsea with earlier ran up behind us, out of breath.

      "Dan, they- they attacked you- I- I couldn't do anything - They used me against you, I-" She was shaking.

      "Hey- No, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm fine." I assured her, trying to convince her as much as myself. But the growing ringing in my ear and difficulty holding myself up straight was a bit too much to overlook.

Chelsea's eyes left mine and examined the side of my head.

      "You're bleeding." She stated, "a lot."

      "I'll be fine. It's just a bad scrape." I lied, knowing I probably had a concussion, "I'm just glad they didn't hurt you."

      "Did you mean it?" She asked suddenly, "What you said, i mean..about Phil. Being in love with him.."

      "I-I don't really remember what I was saying.. But uh- Yeah." I admitted.

Chelsea smiled.

      "Have you told him?"

I shook my head. A motion I instantly regretted as a sharp pain shocked through my head.

      "You should go home. Get patched up. And tell him." Chelsea suggested.

I sighed.

      "Trust me, that's all I want to do right now."


I walked the last few blocks to the flat in silence. I swayed as I walked, like I was drunk, and my vision was delayed. I kept a tight grip on the handle of the grocery bag, trying not to drop it.

I assessed myself.

My knee ached, though I couldn't remember what had happened to it. My left shoulder had a nasty scrape from the wall, along with the nasty gash I could feel on my head. Definitely a concussion. My head, and my right hand hurt like hell. I was fairly certain the fall had broken my wrist. I could feel a lump swelling on my cheekbone from a fist.

I sighed.

I had left Chelsea so certain I wanted to go home and tell Phil how I felt. How much I truly loved him.

But now, standing in front of the locked flat door, I knew I couldn't. Though I wasn't sure why.

I would just have to keep quiet about it like I had for the past two years.

I looked down at my right hand and wrist. It was swollen and turned a dark purple color now. I couldn't let Phil see me this way. I hated showing him the bad in the world. Especially since the men had been talking about him whilst attacking me.

I sighed and pushed the door open as quietly as I could. The slight creak it made feeling like a hammer hitting my skull.

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