"Hey, at least it is a Friday. Then we get two days off." I point out.

"Weekends always go way too fast." Malia comments.

"That's true." Isaac agrees.

"Well, I think I'm going home. I'll see you all at school tomorrow. Thanks for tonight, Scott. I enjoyed spending it with you. I love you." Samantha speaks up and kisses Scott on the cheek.

"Wait, how are you getting home?" Scott frowns.

"I think I'm going to walk. After what I saw tonight, I just need some time on my own." She replies. My curiosity as to what everyone saw in their hallucinations grows. For some people, it seems to have really rattled them. "Are you okay?" Scott asks, holding Samantha's hands in his. I avert my eyes away from the two lovebirds and look up at the stars that dance across the sky. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just want to have some time where I can think things over. Don't worry, nothing is wrong." Samantha assures her boyfriend.

"Well, as long as you're sure..." Scott says with indecision.

"I am, but thanks for caring about me so much." Samantha replies gratefully. I hear the sound of kissing again. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. Instead, I exchange a look with Kira. She looks at me apologetically. "Okay, I'll see all of you guys tomorrow!" Samantha waves before she leaves the group.

"I think I should go too. My dad will be worried about me." Malia adds.

"Yeah, I'll give you a ride." Lydia smiles.

"Thanks, Lydia." Malia replies.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Lydia says before Malia and herself walk over to her car. We wave as the car pulls out of the parking lot and drives away. "I guess we'll have to walk, considering we don't have a car." Isaac comments to Kara.

"I can give you a lift." I offer.

"No, thanks for the offer, but I think we will be alright." Kara smiles.

"Maybe we can stop to get some food on the way home." Isaac suggests.

"Sounds good." Kara replies cheerfully, her hand intertwined with Isaac's. Soon enough, Isaac and Kara start walking back towards the main part of town. I turn to Liam. "Do you mind if you give me a ride? I don't really want to run all the way home again." Liam asks hopefully.

"Of course. The jeep is over there. You can go get in the jeep, I'll meet up with you in a minute." I tell the young beta, handing him the keys. He nods and jogs towards the jeep. I watch as he unlocks the jeep and climbs into the passenger seat. Now, it is only Scott and I left standing outside the building's entrance. The faint sound of music can still be heard from here. I turn back to Scott. I stare at him, trying to figure out what is going on in his mind. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" Scott laughs.

"No, I am just trying to figure you out." I reply.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks with a slight frown.

"I mean that I want to find out why you were acting so weird after the hallucination. I still think you're acting a little bit different, but it has improved. I'm just worried about what could have caused you to freak out so much." I answer. Scott sighs and looks at the ground. "Stiles, I don't really want to talk about it. I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine, trust me. I know that the hallucination wasn't real and never will come true. I know that it was just some weird trick. I am not going to be haunted for life by what I saw. It might take a few days or so, but I will get over it. I'll ignore the vision and treat it like it was just a dream." Scott replies as he looks back up at me. I stay silent and play with my locket for a moment, knowing that Scott is hiding something from me. Maybe he will get over it soon, but that's not the point. As the sorceress said, the fears could make us learn more about ourselves. I didn't learn anything new about myself, it just reminded me of what I really feared: being alone, isolated and being responsible for all my friends and family dying. What had Scott learned? I can tell that there is new worry and confusion in his eyes, but I'm not sure why. I really wish Scott would talk to me, but I'm not going to force him. I'm sure if there was something horribly wrong, he would tell me. We're best friends after all. We may have had our ups and downs, but we trust and rely on each other more than anyone else. Well, until Samantha came along, that is, but that's beside the point. I suddenly realize that Scott is still waiting for a response. "Sorry, I was just getting carried away in my own thoughts. I'm glad that you're okay, but I hope you know that you can talk to me about anything, right? You know I'm willing to listen and won't judge. If you're in trouble, I can help you through it." I finally reply. Scott nods.

"Yeah, I know I can, thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if something is wrong." Scott smiles. We stare at each other for a few moments longer. I wouldn't mind spending the whole night out here with him, staring up at the stars, just the two of us. However, I know that can't happen. "Well, I should probably get Liam home." I say as I start to walk away from the building and back towards my jeep. Scott follows me, as his motorbike isn't parked too far away from my car. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." I tell Scott, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Scott replies before walking to his motorbike. As I jump into the jeep, I watch as Scott drives away on the bike. I've never ridden a motorbike. I bet it would be fun. I just need someone to teach me. I smile at the thought of Scott and I riding a motorbike together, my arms wrapped around his waist. Liam snaps me out of my daydream as he clicks his fingers in front of me. "Yo, are you okay Stiles? You zoned out for a bit there, grinning like an idiot." Liam comments. I nod quickly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." I reply before I start the car and drive back to Liam's place.

Samantha POV

I walk back towards my house, listening to my shoes pounding against the pavement. I hold my arms against my chest to preserve any warmth, as the night is a little bit chilly. The wind rustles leaves and I watch them as they dance across the ground. My heartbeat rises as I start to think about my hallucination. Anger courses through me as the images of Scott leaving me for that idiot best friend of his run through my head. It had left me heartbroken, especially when Scott kissed Stiles. It also left me slightly disgusted. I don't agree with same sex couples. Anyway, back to the main issue. Scott had chosen Stiles over me! I couldn't stop the tears running down my face. I couldn't stop the anger, betrayal and jealousy rushing through me. I don't care if it was just a hallucination. Why did Scott choose to be with Stiles? The hallucination has gotten me thinking worrying thoughts about real life. Does Scott like guys as well as girls? Is there any chance at all that Scott would actually leave me for Stiles? Could Stiles be able to win over Scott somehow? Would he go as far as to use his powers on Scott? Will he make Scott betray me? No, he can't do that! I won't let Stiles do that to my Scotty. I continue to walk down the street hurriedly.

Even though I decided that I would try to be friends with Stiles, after tonight, I realized that I can't. It wasn't just the hallucination either. The way that Stiles looked at Scott and worried about him made me very annoyed. That's my job, not Stiles'. It is like he is trying to steal Scott away from me! I can't let him do that! I won't let Stiles get away with it! Ugh, why is Stiles doing this to me? It's not like I have done anything wrong to him. I even wanted to put aside our differences and fights so we could be friends, for Scott's sake. I guess Stiles decided to go against that. He just wants Scott all for himself. How selfish. I bet Stiles has told Scott that he was the one that saved him from dying. Stiles probably wants Scott to turn against me. As I round a corner, I decide that I need to take matters into my own hands. If I don't want to get Scott taken away from me, all I need to do is to make sure that Stiles never gets the chance to fill Scott's head with horrible ideas. I just need to convince Scott to avoid Stiles at all costs. This will resolve all of my problems. Plus, it'll give Stiles some payback. It'll be very satisfying to see him hurt and alone. Maybe even his trust in Scott will break, which will guarantee that Stiles will never try to steal Scott away from me again. If Scott doesn't agree to ignoring his friend, I guess I could use a few tricks up my sleeve to make him see my view. I smirk as I walk up to the front of my house, happy that things are in my control.

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