Twenty Six

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The scene was bloody

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The scene was bloody. With crimson drops splattered on the granite flooring while the two were unconscious. The only sound being the heavy breathing that passed Louis' lips as he struggled to breathe.

He had been cuffed down due to how he had been slowly awakening during the operation which only caused Donovan to grow angry and hit the man until he was unconscious once again.

Harry on the other hand was gradually becoming conscious, his head tossing from side to side against the inclined table he was still placed on. He was aware that it was over. He watched everything that happened with Louis with tears in his green eyes.

He saw Louis lay almost like he was dead while blood poured down the side of his head to stain the table underneath him. The triumphant look on Donovan's face when he had his oceanic eye in his glove-covered hands. The drop of the ball as it splashed into the saline-filled bucket before he took off his gloves and replaced them with new ones, grabbing a syringe while he was coming for him.

It was dark. So dark. But he could faintly hear Louis' screams from the background that sounded like he was stuck in the ocean.

Harry grunted as he tried to open his eyes, wincing at how sensitive they were to the lights above. His movements felt delayed as he struggled under his binds. "Please." He breathed, closing his eyes tightly in an attempt to hide from the light. "Let me go." He sobbed, tears forming in his eyes only for him to cry out from how tender his left eye was.

He struggled to break his hand free from the restraints, his body feeling sore from the new stitches he had received throughout the night. They resided on random places on his arm and some on his torso which only made him feel more self conscious.

He let out a huff of relief as he felt his sweat covered wrist be released, allowing him to tiredly pull at the locks that he had mastered how to unlock by now. He whimpered as he spotted a small pile of clothes that were his from yesterday.

He stumbled from not being on his legs for long, struggling to make it to the table where he immediately grabbed for his briefs and a shirt. He didn't care much for pants since his legs were sore from the damage they had taken such as the few bruises and cuts from their fight.

"Louis?" His hoarse voice called out as he tried to awaken the still unconscious boy who was laid out on the table. He looked as still as death while he remained frozen. His chest appeared to be not moving but he knew he was alive from the small whines leaving his lips. "Baby?" He whispered, cupping his jaw to softly shake him to consciousness.

He grumbled when he saw that no movement was occurring while he shook him. "Let me see your eyes, baby." He cooed, using the pads of his thumbs to raise his eyelids to reveal one ordinary blue orb while the other was red as if there was dust in his eye that surrounded forrest green.

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