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Louis barely slept that night

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Louis barely slept that night.

He tossed and turned in the rock hard bed and he was freezing due to there being no heat in the house.

He was now staring up at the ceiling of the room since it was too bright to try and go back to sleep. He could get an actual look at the house now. But that also means a better look at Harry.

He sighed and sat up slowly, reaching down towards the edge of the bed to grab his pants and shirt that he now realized was dirty from his fall. The grey was now a dark brown color and his jeans had small stains on them causing him to groan.

His blue eyes went to his wrist and it reminded him of the previous night when Harry was fixing his stitches.

Is that how his body is where the stitches are? He mentally asked. They keep him together?

He would have to face him eventually so he tugged off the thin sheets and pulled his jeans up his legs to be snug at his waist. He slipped on his shirt and kept his feet bare as they made contact with the cool floor.

His gaze went around the room to see a closet that had no doors or clothes on the inside, a worn-down dresser on the far wall and the bed he was sitting on that was pushed against the middle of the wall furtherest to the door.

The first step he took sent a loud creak to the floor, making him pull back instantly due to how loud it was. He walked on his tip toes towards the door, opening it to hear a louder creak and a squeak from the rusted hinges.

Luckily the house was a one story so he just tip toed past a bathroom that looked to not be in use and a spare bedroom that also looked barren of attention into the kitchen where he finally saw the mess.

Everything was covered in dust. From the cabinets to the windows. There was so much dust that the light from outside was being masked from how bad it was. The only appliances were a stove, refrigerator that looked like it came from a time before he was born, and the beaten wooden table that had four matching chairs on each side.

Only one chair was pulled out of its place from under the table. Probably Harry's.

Louis tip toed towards the living room next, noticing only a dirty beige colored couch and a fire place that had wood but looked like it hadn't been used in years.

He happened upon a closet in the hallway between the bedroom and the living room that held cleaning supplies. Unfortunately for him it looked like he was alone so he would have to clean alone.

His phone was luckily being charged due to the back up charger he always carries in his pockets and he placed it onto the grey marble counter of the kitchen so he could play music so it wasn't so silent.

He went onto Pandora and put on any random station as long as the songs weren't slow or all lovey-dovey. The first song that played was one by Blink-182. He didn't know the lyrics but it was a nice drum beat that had his head banging and brought a pep to his step as he danced his way towards the closet that held the supplies.

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