The vacation

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Daniela's pov-

When Vic said he loved me more with my battle scars I felt my heart skip of joy.

I patted a spot next to me in the hospital bed. I told Vic to lay down their.

He looked exhausted.We were watching some batman in the hospital's TV.

Vic's pov -

We were laying down in the hospital bed watching some Batman.

When an amazing idea came to my head. I would ask her to go with me on a week vacation.

That way we could spend time together and escape everything.

Daniela's pov-

We were still laying down and watching batman ,when Vic said

"We should go on a week vacation"

I felt so happy I wanted to escape even if it was only a week.But then I remember my uncle and my smile vanish.

Daniela what's wrong? Don't you want a little vacation with me?

"No Vic its just -----"

"Daniela trust me tell me what's wrong."

"Its....its my uncle he would hurt you I don't care if he hurts me. I couldn't live with myself knowing you got hurt because of me."

"Daniela does your uncle beat you?"

Daniela's pov
I nodded as the tears started to form

Vic's pov
when Daniela told me her uncle beat her.
I could feel my wolf getting angry. I started to shake.

Daniela's pov-
After I told Vic my uncle beat me. He started shaking and his eyes weren't green any more they were pitch black.

I felt something bad was gonna happen so I hold his hand in mine a squeezed it a little and stroked his cheek.

Vic's pov-

I guess Daniela notice I was shaking she squeezed my hand and stroked my cheek.

I could feel how my wolf slowly calmed down to the soft touch of Daniela.

"Vic are you okay?"

"Yea". Daniela dont be scared your uncle won't hurt you any more.

You will live with me now. Remember he can't hurt me I'm stronger than him or any human.

Your moving with me today.

"Okay Vic let's, I'll move in with you. I just need to go to my apartment and get all my things out. My uncle isn't their he left with some wore on a vacation and will be back tomorrow".

"Okay let's ask if we can go".

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