"Is there a perfect plan without an observation? Heh, you know me, but now.. I know you better.."

Then I took off the hoodie and his face changed...
What a laugh stock..



Star's P.O.V.

I keep running until I reached the area where Ludo's castle exploded.
There was a little building built there and I suspect Marco is in there..

I can feel it..

I take a deep breath and bravely entered...
There were no lightings, but my wand shines.. even its green..

Wand, can you move on?!

Just forget about Jackie.. She break up with Marco right?

Suddenly, the light turns to pink, which is a new experience to me..

"Ha! I knew you can move on.." I said, looking at my wand.

I was smiling crazily when it turned to green when something falls.


This is totally creepy..

I slowly walk forward, making sure I don't make any loud noise.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

Don't be a fool Star, its a trap..

But how can I know if its a trap?

Silence is now covering around this mysterious building, maybe there's no one in here.


I jumped, ready my wand which is ready to blast someone.. or something..

"Show yourself!" I confidently stated. "After you turn on the lights.." I added..

No time for jokes, right?

Then the lights drastically open, and a figure appear...

That figure..

That figure.. Is a MONSTER!!

Uh.. Cause he's a monster.. Duh..


"Toffee?! You do kidnapped Marco... AGAIN.." I protested, then grunt in annoyance.

"Well.. Why do you know. "

"Where's Marco? Why did you kidnapped him again? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Then he chuckled deviously..

"All I want.. Is your wand.." he answered.

"My wand?! Why do you need it again?!"

"I've heard that its still working.. And its a problem.. And Ludo has a wand either.. Which is another problem.. So.. I'm terminating one of my problems."

"What.. Do.. You mean?" I asked, what is the idea?

"I want.. to DESTROY your wand, or in the another meaning.. I want it to left as a useless dust.. I don't want it to EXIST anymore.."

♦StarCo♦ Just A NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now