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Perrie and Jade

Baby: Jade are you jealous

Poopey: yes,I don't know why,I never really get jealous

Baby: but you're cute when you're jealous and it makes the sex spicy

Baby: also I now that you do love me and want me

Poopey: I shouldn't have let him keep going

Baby: I was laughing at all the things he texted 

Poopey: but I wasn't 

Poopey: forgive me for being jealous 

Baby: it's ok it happens,I always get jealous

Poopey: that's normal for you but not for me 

Baby: it's okay 

Poopey: did you tell Shawn we were dating 

Baby: no we just didn't text him when you left 

Poopey: poor Ally she probably feels like that was her fault 

Baby: yes,she texted me saying she was sorry and I just told her it was okay 

Poopey: same 

Baby: so now that you're better cum home ;)

Poopey: I'll be there as fast as I can 

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