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Mila: guys I have news

Ally: what is it I love news

Mila: me and Shawn are now dating

Laur: yes,where are my $50 

China: damn it,I owe Lauren $50 

Mani: what you beted on that

Laur: Dinah did not me 

Jesy: they why does she owe you

China: because I said Mila wouldn't start dating Shawn and Lauren didn't pick a side  

Leigh: can't believe Dinah was so confident about the bet,to bet $50 

China: yea,just for that Camila your going to give my $100 

Mila: no 

China: what you say

Mila: I said no

China: BETCH

Jeed: why didn't you just type BITCH

China: mother said not to type or say bad words

Jeed: but your mother is not here

Pez: babe, she means ALLY

Jeed: oh

Leigh: look what I found

Ally: it's just me doing the thing I do

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Ally: it's just me doing the thing I do

Laur: Poor Lauren

Jesy: did you just refer to yourself in the third person 

Laur: yes I did

Jesy: why

Laur: because this week has been really hard,and I have not been myself lately so I though I was someone else 

Jade: Lauren, can me and Perrie come to your house like yesterday 

Laur: sure,I got the beer 

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