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Shawn: hey

Camila: Hello

Shawn: is it true

Camila: what's true

Shawn: that you and Lauren broke up 

Camila: Yes 

Shawn: sorry

Camila: why didn't you tell me you love me

Shawn: because you were with Lauren

Shawn: and who said i love you 

Camila: everyone, mostly Lauren

Shawn: i did like you at one point but got over it because you would always talk about Lauren

Camila: I love you Shawn

Shawn: i do too,but as in friends right

Camila: Shawn I love as a brother

Shawn: if you want we can pretend to date so Lauren can get jealous  

Camila: then she will what to cum back to me, yes lets do it

Shawn: why did you write come like cum 

Camila: when we get back together she is going to do both things

Shawn: Kiky

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