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I rub my hand over my face. Alex is going to school today. Her first day of Elementary. This shouldn't be a problem, little kids aren't nearly as mean as big kids. I kneel in front of her and mess with the straps until she puts her small hands on my face.

"Be still. I'm gonna be okay." She smiles

"Yea I know. I'll be by later to get you, don't you leave with anyone but me."

"I promise." She giggles

I shake away my nerves and carry her to the car, letting her sit in the front seat. She is going to be fine. I can talk to the teachers and stuff. It's just school, she doesn't have to be afraid of monsters, not yet. It's only for 8 hours and I won't have to worry about her tomorrow when I know for sure she's gonna be fine.


"Uh Ms. Summers?" I ask, class is going to start soon and I have to make sure Alex will be watched.

"Yes?" A young woman answers

"Could I have a word with you about Alexandria?"

"Hold on just one moment please. Class, please settle down, and make sure our new student feels welcome. I want to come back in here to see that everyone was being nice." She says, her voice soft and songlike

She comes into the hallway but makes sure she can see the class from where she stands. She looks at me expectantly but doesn't seem in a rush.

"Its about Alex."

"Mr. Winchester, calm down. I promise I will take good care of her, you don't need to worry." I'd said that already, she could tell I was flustered
"She's blind." I blurt

"Oh?" She seems curious now

"Yea, since she was born. I'm not her dad, older brother, but our dad isn't around very much so I take care of her. I just gotta know that she's gonna be okay with you, so I figured you should know if you didnt already."

"I will keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't hurt herself. And don't worry about the other kids either, they've known eachother since they were 4, but I'm sure she'll do fine."

"Okay. Umm. Right, phone number in case anything happens, call me immediately." I hand her a cell phone number

I should be in class at the highschool but if anything happens here, I'll leave anyway. She smiles and nods, tucking the scrap of paper into her jeans pocket she returns to the class.


Alright, 20 minutes till Alex gets out of school, no phone calls, I can skip the last hour and 20 minutes to go and get her now, talk to Summers and get some info. I stand up and head for the door.

"Dean Winchester, where do you think you're going?" I hear the teacher demand

"I have to pick up my little sister, she gets out of school in a few minutes." I say, resisting an eye roll

"Sit back down Winchester, your parents are there for that."

"Screw you buddy, you don't know me." I proceed to angrily shove the door open and slam it behind me

Stupid freaking teachers think they know what's best. Screw them. I slam Baby's door closed and regret it as I hear the groan of such force.

"Sorry Baby." I mumble

She hums in response as I start the engine and head towards the elementary school.


"Alexandria Winchester?" I hear Ms. Summers call

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