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"you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law..."

Sound familiar? It should. I got arrested for a murder my skin walker double committed. How did I get out? Good question. I didn't have anyones help either. Sam and Gabe were researching Lucifer. Dean was trying to make me hunt a Skin walker so I wouldn't know what the others were doing. I'm no idjit. Bobby taught me a lot back in the day. Lucifer wants me to say yes. I wouldn't do it. Never even considered it, months after I'd found out.

"So you're telling me, that your doppelganger killed the man and framed you?" The cop asked me

"Yes. I could prove it if you were smart." I snap

I was a bit agitated at the moment. The monster had Dean on lockdown somewhere in the sewers. I had been arrested. And the idiot cop kept asking me the same thing, as if I were speaking gibberish.

"You think you can prove yourself innocent?" The cop chides

"First off, I'm legally blind. I can't see worth a damn, so how the hell am I supposed to have killed a man twice my size, who had a gun?"

"I can't prove that"

"Then find someone who can. My brother is in danger. I gotta find him."

"We'll find your brother."

"No you won't! That's the whole point."

Cop dude left me alone in the cold room, handcuffed, for nearly an hour before he brought in a nurse. She sat me on the table and i assume she flashed a light in my eyes because she gave the all clear.

Cop dude, still stupid, threw me in a cell anyway. I don't mean to hate on cops, they do their best, but they aren't hunters. But this cop in particular was especially thick. He kept asking the same questions over and over even though I actually gave him straight answers.

So I sat in the cell a little while before pulling a Bobby pin outta my hair, uncuffed myself, then let myself walk out of the cell. On the other hand, several cops were waiting in the lobby and a blind girl is pretty easy to spot when she keeps hitting things. Soon I'm in cuffs again and being interrogated by a smart cop.

"How'd you get out?" He asks

"That first cop man let me out. He told me to wait a little while then find my way out. He said I could go." I told him

That cop didn't say anything after but promptly left. And again I uncuffed myself and went to leave, this time out a side door.

"For the love of God Alex, be smarter than that." I muttered

Eventually i found my way back into the sewer, got covered in shit, close to literally, and found Dean. But as always, things are never that easy for the Winchesters. Dean walked in behind me. Could I see, I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes.

We fought that Dean for a while but as every good story, the hero and the villain got mixed up. So I stood in front of 2 Deans. I checked both of them but they seemed identical. Except my Dean has a tiny little scar just under his jaw, a shaving cut that he managed to inherit. I guess doppelganger didn't see that one.

So yea. That all happened yesterday. The guys don't know I know about Lucifer. And the only reason I'm telling you is because you're not here. But if you could just... I dunno... at least tell Dean you're okay? He's worried about you. I hope we'll see you soon.

Bye for now Cas.

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