Chapter 8

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Alex was getting more active and restless. She hadn't left the bunker for nearly 2 weeks and wanted out. So she convinced Dean to let her go to the library where she could at least do some research on Latin exorcisms.

"I'm sending Gabe with you so you can't sneak around and get hurt again." Dean says

She groans but doesn't argue. He had every right to assign her a babysitter. She took it well though but made him sit at a different table so she could get work done. She had fully memorized 2 and a half spells when someone bumped into her chair.

"Oh, sorry" a boys says quickly

"Uh, it's okay." She replies

"Before I go can I just say that you are absolutely beautiful?" He says with a smirk

"Thank you." Her cheeks go red

"It's not a problem. Just telling the truth. I'm Josh by the way." He sits across from her and Alex puts her books to the side

"I'm Alexandria. Call me Alex."

"Do you live nearby? You haven't been around in a while. I work here, I'm not watching you." He says quickly

"Heh. I do, my family was just on a trip."

"Oh cool. Where did you go?"

"Lawrence. Family stuff." She says

"I see. Well I just wanted to say, you're truly stunning and I hope to see you around."

"I'll be here more often now that I'm back from Lawrence. Bye Josh." She smiles

People weren't usually so forthright when it came to strangers and here this boy just came from nowhere to tell her she was beautiful. She shook her head gently and went back to reading her Braille exorcisms.

Another hour or so passed and Gabe finally sat down next to her.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks bored

"Sure. I gotta check these out though." She holds up her Latin book and then a few more

Gabe carries her bag and she holds several books as they he'd to the counter for check-out.

"Hey Alex. Find everything you needed?" It was Josh

"Oh hey. Yea I got everything for now. I'll probably finish them tonight and be back tomorrow anyway."

"I look forward to seeing you then" he smiles and hands her back her books

They head out and Gabe doesn't look too happy

"Who was that?" He asks casually

"His name is Josh. I met him today when he almost knocked me over. it's okay though he apologized." She doesn't tell him about the conversation they had, he would tell Dean and Dean would get angry

"He said his name when he apologized?"

"That's what people do Gabe. They interact with each other and share things like names and stories." She rolls her eyes

"And you told him your name?"

"Well usually when somebody says 'hi I'm Gabriel' it's polite to say something along the lines of 'nice to meet you Gabriel, I'm Alex'."

"Why did he almost knock you over?" Gabe

"Why does it matter?!?" She says angrily

Gabriel didn't have to know everything, and neither did Sam or Dean. Cas hadn't even been around since Gabe showed up. Gabriel shut up at her outburst. He didn't want to make her mad he just didn't trust this Josh kid. He didn't trust anyone until they gave him a reason.

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