Chapter 5

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Alex was short tempered lately because of her cast and she felt even more disabled than before. As of the moment she was laying on her bed with her face in a pillow. She wouldnt talk to anyone either.

"Lex what's wrong? Is it the cast?" Sam asks

No answer

"Want pie? I can run out and get you pie? Or candy?" Dean offers

She groans into the pillow

"Candy and pie. Let's go Sam." Dean takes Sam with him to get food for Alex

"Want to play a game?" Cas asks

"Fuck off" came a muffled Alex

"Get up sugar we're gonna hunt." Gabe smirks

Alex lifter her head from the pillow and looks towards him.


"You heard me. Get your things. Better hurry before Sam and Dean get back though."

Alex rolls off the bed and grabs her needed things from one of her bags. This was a fairly easy hunt, a Skin Walker. Course being blind didn't help.

"Cas you're coming too." Gabe says

"I don't want to."

"Okay but when the boys get back don't tell them what we're doing. Tell them I took her out to cheer her up. One word and I'm telling Dean about your book."

Cas goes wide eyed for a moment before nodding quickly. Alex waits for Gabe and they go out the door and start walking towards town.

"What book?" She asks

"He's got a book he writes in. I'll spare you details but know it's enough to keep him quiet for a really long time."

"I'm going to forget this and if you ever bring it up again I'll shin you."

"Okay." He says quickly

They walk into town and Gabe pulls her into a small clothing store to talk about a plan.

"Right. I'm blind so let's use that as an advantage. We can pretend you're a friend helping me find a dog. I'll have a silver coin in case we need to test, other than that he shouldn't have any tags. I have a silver blade in my boot are you good?"

"Yea. Let's go."

They walk a little way down the street, Gabe on careful watch for the Impala.

"Here comes one." He says

Alex crouches and holds her hand out for the dog. She scratches is neck and finds a collar.

"No. It's too small and has tags. I want to rescue a stray." She says

"Okay. Over here then." Gabe takes her hand and pulls her over to an alley.

He whistles and several dogs come running. Alex smiles and reaches for the nearest dog. It's small and has tags so she lets that one go. She finds a huge one with no tags and rubs the silver coin against it subtlety. It doesn't yelp so she moves to the next one. This one was about the size of a lab or shepard and it had no tags.

"I want this one." She smiles and rubs his neck

The dog yelps happily and rubs against Alex.

"Now you need a name. What do you think Gabe?"

"How about Buster?"

"Sounds good to me. What do you thing boy?"

He woofs in yes. And nudges his face against her hand.

"Okay Buster. Let's go get you some food."

Buster wags his tail and follows Gabe and Alex, who are still holding hands. They reach the store and Gabe goes inside to get a collar, leash, and some food.

He comes out and Alex puts the collar on him before attaching the leash.

"Who's my handsome boy?" She coos

In answer he licks her face and wags his tail more.

"Good boy. Let's go home now." She smiles and hands the leash to Gabe.

Alex leads them back towards the motel but turns into an alleyway before they reach. Gabe let's him off the leash but stands so he cant get out.

"Speak." Alex says in a bored tone

Buster barks.

"Come on smartass. You're way to smart to be a stray dog. Dogs only agree to a name in stories."

"Who are you?" Buster asks, now in his shaggy human form.

"Alexandria Winchester and the last face you're gonna see." She answers before surging forward and firmly planting the silver blade in his chest

Gabe stands in amazement.

"That was badass." He says

"Thanks." She curtsies

"You're a real laugh you know that?"

"Well I have to lighten the view some how" she says as she wipes her knife clean

"How can you take being blind so lightly?"

"I'm not disabled because I'm blind. I'm disabled because people treat me different. I've adapted and if anything, I think being blind is a gift."


"Because. I'm not temped by things that are visually pleasing. Food, guys, cloths, whatever. As for guys that helps me find the right one eventually. Someone who won't care I'm different. Who won't care I am mean sometimes. Who laughs at my jokes. I don't have standards like other people because other people think they want someone who looks good when they really just wanted to be treated good. The only thing I hate about being blind is that I can't see my brothers faces." She puts the blade back in her shoe and walks out of the alley

"Well you probably have the most positive outlook of anyone I know. You ready to go back?"

"No. I wanna sit in the sun. It's nice out."

Gabe can't help but smile. She was beautiful on the inside and out and she deserved everything she wanted in a guy. It wasn't much to ask for, not really.

"Is that what's bothering you? People treating you different?" Gabe asks as they sit on the grass in a sunny area

"Kindof. I don't feel incapable. I wish people realized that. I play soccer and hunt how am I not capable?"

"I don't think you're not. It took me a little while but you're not incapable. Hell you're probably more capable than most humans I know."

"Thanks but it's not really you. Sam and Dean. Sam and I aren't as close as we were before he left and I don't think we'll be like that again. But he still sees me as a little girl. Dean is overprotective. Like a lot. I really wish he could see me." She says with a frown and teary eyes

Gabe leans forward a bit to see her face. She quickly brushes away a tear and puts on a smile.

"I see you." He says gently but with power behind the words

"Thank you Gabriel." She hugs him tightly

"It's not problem Sugar." He smiles

She pulls back and laughs slightly.

"God I'm stupid." She says

"Whys that?"

"Here I am telling you all my problems and I only just met you a few days ago."

"Well I'll listen to you whenever you need. And I can help Sam and Dean see you." Gabe says as he stands up

"You would do that for me?"

"Sure I would. Family remember?" He bit his lip, he didn't want to say that.

Truth be told he had fallen for her since he first laid eyes on her. And he fell hard. But he wasn't going to say that because she was right. They had only just met. But he would be everything she wanted in a guy, maybe she would see him.

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