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Alex wakes up, suppressing a scream the best she could. No need to get Monicas attention again. Oh yea. Home. Gabriel sits up next to her, calming her with his familiarity. She leans into him tiredly.

"How long have I been out?" She asks groggily, the nightmares still fresh in her memory

"You slept for 2 days since we got you fixed up."

"Right, yea. Morphine. I remember. Sorta. Sam and Dean?"

"Worried about you. You haven't eaten for 9 days, we barely got you to drink anything, let alone enough to not have us wake you up for 2 days. Can you eat something?"

"I'm not hungry." She shrugs

"Please Alex. You're not well."

"Okay. I guess I could eat something." She smiles slightly

He worried about her. Granted he was bound too but it still struck her very time someone who wasn't Sam or Dean cared this much about her which ended up being Bobby, Gabriel, Meg, and maybe a few others.

"I'll get you something, be right back." He says quickly and she feels his weight leave the bed

She already felt more nervous without him being in arms reach and hugged her knees to her chest.

"Siri what time is it?" She asks quietly, hoping her phone could hear her

"The time is 2:47 pm, Alex."

"Thank you Siri."

Gabriel comes back in and tells her to get up but when she puts her feet on the ground she already feels dizzy. He frowns and decides to carry her to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. I must look so pathetic." She says but snuggles closer to Gabriels chest

"No don't say stuff like that. You're the strongest person I know. Besides, none of us have ever been through this kind of thing, so how do you know we'd be in better shape?"

"Thanks Candy Man."


Several weeks after Alexs return to the Bunker, the majority of her wounds healed but she was still having nightmares and soreness. She hadn't talked to Sam or Dean much the first week and eventually got used to being not tortured by someone with their face.

Currently they were at a motel for a minor demon scouting, though they were sure it had already skipped town. Alex was about to go in when she heard Dean talking loudly and hesitated to hear her name.

"Well it's not exactly convinent that Alex can't go anywhere by herself and can barely sleep at night, or that she is afraid of everything" Dean was saying

"It's not her fault Dean, how is she supposed to react? People with our faces tortured her, can you imagine what that would be like? We are the only people she trusts. And she wasn't exactly allowed to go anywhere before either."

"Things are different now"

"And that's your fault."

"Mine? How"

"Because you let her start hunting. And since she started hunting, you expect her to be like us, but she isn't like us Dean. Even if she weren't blind shes not like us. She's not like anyone, she's better."

"She is just as capable as we are, of course I except her to be like us"

"But she's not Dean. She can't see. As much as she can do, knowing who is standing in the room and knowing someone is standing in the room are two completely different things."

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