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Everyone was hiding as the Wendigo came through for the 5th time, looking for his lost meals. Dean was pretty much cradling Alex, trying to ease her pain if he could, Sam kept glancing worriedly at them both, Dean was scared, that never happened. Gabe was keeping a look out for the monster so he could at least contribute. He had a flare gun, along with the other boys but Alex didn't have one. Gabe got his ready, he'd been timing the rounds and the monster was due any minute.

"Get ready." He whispers

Dean holds Alex with one hand and his flare gun in the other, ready to back Gabe up. Sam also had his out. Gabe fires and a screech is heard.

"Got him. We have to go. But there might be more." He says and leads out

Sam takes the back while Dean carries Alex, she couldn't walk, hardly stand either. They make it back to the incline leading to where the group had first split up. Sam yells and gets knocked across the room, loosing his gun in the meantime. Dean crouches and turns his back to the monster, covering Alex. Gabe steps around them and shoots the Wendigo standing over Sam.

Sam stands and nods gratefully, holding his shoulder. Gabe, as instructed, shoves it back into place and the group continues.


"Okay Alex I'm gonna have to take this one off and fix you up with a new one... tighter." Sam says seeing his little sister in pain

Dean sits next to her and Gabe on the other side. Alex had a hand on Dean's shoulder, and Gabe was holding her other hand, both men had a hand on her back to support her. She nods quickly and her eyes are closed in pain. Sam carefully takes away the bloodied rag and uses part of his own shirt that was thicker to wrap it firmly.

"I'm so sorry Lex." Dean mumbles

"Not your fault." She answers quickly

"It was my knife." Dean points out

"And it was your knife that freed you. And it was my hand that pulled the knife out. And it was the Wendigo that buried it in me." She grits her teeth as Gabe and Dean lift her up

Sam tried to call a hospital but had no service. He frowns and looks at Dean.

"You think you can ride my back again Sugar?" Gabe offers

She nods

"I can take her." Dean says

"There could be more Wendigos. I didn't know they worked together." Alex says and Dean nods, she was right.

Alex stays as close as she can to Gabe, if she started to fall he would know. Dean took the back to keep an eye on her, and Sam took the front, finding shortcuts.

Halfway down Alex starts feeling tired. Gabe can tell and starts talking to her.

"How long did you play soccer for?"

"Uhh... 3 years I think. Maybe 4."

"That's cool. What else can you do?"

"I can sorta cook. It's usually gross but I'm better at making sweets."

"Well maybe you could make me something when we get you fixed up. Then I'll have you try my stuff."

"You... cook?" She asks, resting her head on his shoulder so that her face was next to his

"Sure I do. It tastes better than when I make it just appear." Gabe smirks

"I'm tired." She breaths

"I know Sugar. But you can't sleep yet."

"Mkay." She nods slightly

Even though she tried not to, she did fall asleep in and out. She woke again when they stopped moving, and again when they arrived at the hospital, but she fell asleep when Dean carried her in Bridal style.

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