Alex shrugged, confidence growing in his chest as he felt the sluggishness slowly fading away from his body. If he could keep Nerissa distracted for just a few more minutes, he'd have his strength back and be able to use his powers...or so he hoped.

"Maybe Vivian didn't need to use any magical powers on me."

Nerissa was growing frustrated, and she could feel her power tugging at her control, pushing to be released, to maim and kill. Not yet, she could wait.

"Well, if you aren't under a spell, maybe I should fix that." She slowly leaned forward, and pressed her lips against his. A surge of energy shot through her, thrilling every nerve in her body. Was this reaction because he had been with Vivian? Had her powers left residue on him somehow?

Alex felt it too, a bolt of cold energy shooting through his veins, causing his muscles to tense and his power to crackle angrily beneath his skin, but he wasn't strong enough yet to use them.

Nerissa pulled away and took a deep breath, her eyes flickering red. "What was that?"

Alex played dumb. "What was what?"

Nerissa regarded him carefully. "You didn't feel anything?"

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Besides that you're not a very good kisser?"

Her lip curled back and she smirked. "You think that was a real kiss? Oh baby, I haven't even started yet." She suddenly seemed to remember something, and looked intently in his eyes. "Now, that kiss has placed a spell on you, which should be kicking in right about now."

She straightened up slightly and rested her hands on his shoulders. "How do you feel?"

Alex's mind was racing. He couldn't give away the fact that he was immune to her spell, not without tipping her off that he was a Guardian, and she couldn't know that...not yet, not until he had his full strength back. The only safe course of action was to play along, and pretend he was under her spell.

"I feel...empty."

Nerissa's eyebrows rose. "Empty?"

Alex nodded. "Unfulfilled, like there's a hole in my chest that only you can fill."

She smiled, her eyes lighting up gleefully. "Oh really?"

Alex nodded, lifting his hand to stroke her cheek, pretending that it took a lot of effort so she didn't realize how much he had already recovered. "Yes. And you're so beautiful...the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Nerissa allowed the flattery to bring a slight flush to her cheeks, enjoying her victory. "What about Vivian?"

Alex frowned. "Who?"

Nerissa threw her head back and laughed. This was even better than she could have imagined. Now, at last, he was hers to command. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and bat her eyelashes at him. "Alex, do you want to kiss me?"

He felt a shiver crawling up his spine at the thought of the cold energy he had felt, not ever wanting to feel that again. Just one more minute. One more minute and he'd be able to use his powers. Taking a deep breath, he nodded.

"Good." She curled her fingers in his hair and brought her lips to his, determined to prove to him that she was indeed an excellent kisser. A small thrill shot through her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

As the kiss grew more heated, she could feel her powers surging with added energy, her canines grew into fangs and she could feel her claws slowly growing longer. Her savage side began to dominate, and she bit Alex's bottom lip lightly, her fang just piercing the soft flesh enough to draw blood.

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