Chapter 9.

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Ashley's POV

I was awake for about five minutes before Demi came in, When I saw her I pretended to be asleep because I wasn't ready to talk to her right now. She sat down beside me and started talking. I listened to her talking to herself until she was done. I opened my eyes and could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm such an idiot. I wish I would've talked to her about all of this first, maybe then I wouldn't be in here. My fault again for thinking the worst. Why am I such a fuck up?

I was shaken out of my own thoughts when I realized Demi was shaking me and crying.

"Baby you're awake, oh my god I have so much explaining to do.. I know but please don't be mad, please I-"

I cut demi off as I felt tears streak down my face. I grabbed her face and kissed her so passionately.

"wh-what was that for?" she asked crying.

"I love you  demi. I shouldn't have overreacted I just didn't want to lose you." I said crying.

She got on the bed with me and held me in her arms, I was still crying. She lifted up my chin and whispered "I'm not going anywhere, I love you Ashley" She kissed me and I felt so many butterflies at that moment I thought I might explode.

Just then a nurse walked in carrying a clipboard.

"Ms.. Lovato may I have a word?" She asked demi. 

Demi looked at me and then got up and went out in the hall with the nurse. I tried to stay as quiet as possible so I could hear what they were saying but no luck.

Demi's POV 

I was holding Ashley when a nurse walked in and asked to speak with me so I followed her outside the room.

"Ms. Lovato you understand the severity of the situation don't you?" She asked. I nodded.

"And you understand that what she needs it to be in treatment, don't you agree?" She said.

To be honest I didn't want Ashley to go into treatment, I know this sounds selfish but I wouldn't be able to handle her going off and me not seeing her. So I decided to try and make a deal with the nurse.

"I understand what you were saying but I honestly think that if you just released her I could take care of her. I promise. I wont let her out of my sight and I can help with this, I've been through it before. She needs me. Please?" I hope she says yes.

"Okay Ms. Lovato, but If something else happens you have to bring her in and we are going to have to send her for treatment. I'll just need you to sign a few papers here and then Ill let her be released." She said.

"Thank you, thank you, it really means a lot" I said smiling.

I signed the papers needed and walked back into Ashley's room.

"Come on babe, we're leaving, They're releasing you" I said picking up Ashley's things.

"Carry me babe" She said giving me puppy eyes, I couldn't say no so I called max in to get her things and I carried her to the car.

Authors Note: Guys I know you want longer chapters and I'm really sorry I haven't been giving them to you I've just got a lot going on right now, I hope you forgive me, please continue to read. Can I get 30 votes and 20 comments maybe? If I can I'll try my best to upload this weekend. I love you guys.

xoxo,, Abby

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