Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV.

I looked over to my makeup back.. It's been months since I did it. I reached for my bag and brought it to where I was sitting. I started searching frantically. I finally found it. The voices were back and they kept screaming with joy.

Do it Ashley. You've missed us haven't you? Yeah you have. No one is here to stop you. You will feel so much better. No more hurt. It'll all be over.

All I could think of was Kayla said. She was right. I was fat and ugly. I needed this. I took the blade out of my bag and pulled up my sleeve. Tears streaming down my face I put the blade to my wrist. I began to press down, it felt so good. I cut. Once, Twice, I didn't stop until I looked down and realized there were at least 20 of them. I stood up washed my arm off, pulled my sleeve down and walked out of the bathroom. Maddie had already went to bed. I was exhausted so I threw myself in bed and fell asleep instantly.

Maddie's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Oh how I loved bacon. I walked into the kitchen to see Ashley Cooking breakfast.

"Morning Ash" I yawned out.

"Morning Maddie" She gave me a smile.

"smells delicious I can't wait to eat" I said sort of drooling.

"I cancelled the party, I just don't feel that great" Ashley said.

I'm surprised she cancelled. She's been looking forward to this for weeks. But oh well. It's her Birthday tomorrow so I guess she can do what she wants.

"You alright Ash ? Are you sure you still want to go shopping?" I asked.

"Yea of course! I still want to go shopping! I only have a week Until The amazing Demi Lovato is here!"

Ashley's POV

"Alright then let's eat and get ready to go!" I said happy.

 *Hours Later*

We arrived at the mall and walked in. I wanted to go to Wet seal but Maddie wanted to go to AE. So we parted and said we'd meet back in an hour.      I was walking toward wet seal when I heard a bunch of girls screaming, Not terrified screams but happy excited screams. I turned around to what all the commotion was about. There was a big line in front of Books-a-million.

I couldn't really see. But I walked into the store and looked around. I realized that today was the day 'Staying Strong' came out so I wanted to buy it. I picked it up and walked out of the isle. The girls were still screaming. I still couldn't see. A girl moved and I could finally see.

HOLY SHIT..THIS CANT BE HAPENNING. There she was. The goddess herself. DEMI LOVATO.

Everyone was getting there book signed and so I hurried and bought my copy to go get it signed.

I jumped in the line and dialed Maddie.

"Maddie come to Books-a-million right now!" I said excitedly.

"What? Why is there screaming? What is goi-"

I cut her off.


I waited about 10 minutes before Maddie got there. She quickly jumped in line with me and waited with me. Another 15 minutes later, it was my turn. I walked up to demi and went weak kneed. She was even more gorgeous in person. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as she asked me "How are you sweetie?"

I was crying after that. She signed the book and got up to hug me. She noticed my wrist and sort of stopped but continued  walking over to me with a smile. I could tell she was hurt.

She hugged me tightly and I let of a soft cry. "You mean everything to me and I can't wait to see you in concert again next week" I said as she pulled away. She replied "I can't wait to see you again beautiful' and gave me a flirtatious smile. I smiled back blushed like crazy. Me and mads walked away and I let out my tears even more.

"She's so perfect" I exclaimed.

"Was it just me or did she seem kind of into you?" Maddie asked.

Me? Demi into Me? Why would she be, I mean I'm ugly and fat. What could she possibly see in me?


Hey guys thanks to all who have started reading (: It means a lot! This is my first fan Fiction so I hope you enjoy it! I might not be able to update as much as I want this week because of the holidays and I'm going to my aunts where I don't have service. But if I get 10 likes and 2 comments Ill update early (:  Thanks for supporting guys!!

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