Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV

I was really happy that me and Mads were gonna have a movie night. I went over to the cabinet  where all our movies and TV shows were categorized. They went from Demi to Funny to Scary and then to Drama.

I went to pick up 'Camp Rock' and open it up. It was my favorite Demi Movie. I opened up the DVD player and went to grab the Movie. I opened up the movie case and as soon as I did, I saw 2 Demi Lovato Tickets to see her in concert. I instantly started bawling. I couldn't believe she got me the most amazing gift ever.


"Wait Ash, there's more!" I heard.

"MORE?!?" I looked at Maddie with tears streaming down my face. I looked over at Maddie who was pulling 2 laminated VIP passes out of her purse. After I saw them I literally hit the floor crying.

Demi Lovato was more than just a role model to me. She was my everything. I couldn't imagine living a life without her. She saved my life at age 14 and even now she's the reason I don't dare relapse. She's my guardian angel.

"Maddie you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for", I said as I stood up to hug her.

"Hey it's the least I could do darling". She said with a smile on her face.

"WE'RE SEEING DEMI LOVATO NEXT WEEK!!!" I screamed with delight and tears still streaming down my face.

 Me and Mads both started jumping and screaming. Even though she wasn't a lovatic like me, she still liked Demi's Music. I ran to the stereo and blasted Demi Lovato's Neon Lights. We danced around till we were so tired we couldn't or sing anymore. After that I decided it was time to go to bed.

"Hey mad can we go shopping tomorrow to pick out outfits for the concert?" I asked eagerly.

"Sure! Why not?"

I heard my phone go off so  I checked it.

I sighed when I read "1 new message from Kayla"

Kayla was the bitchiest, meanest, sluttiest, girl I know. She always put me down no matter what. I clicked on read,

-Hey Fatass! Heard you weren't in Phycology today, where were you? Eating a shit ton of donuts I bet. You're so pathetic, why are you even here?-

Tears instantly grew in my eyes. I turned to run to the bathroom before Maddie could notice. I sat down on the floor with my back against the door. Kayla was right, I was fat. I was ugly and I didn't belong here. I let the tears roll. I couldn't believe what I was about to do..

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