Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV.

Maddie left and left me and Demi by ourselves. I didn't mind that one bit, and I could tell demi quickly noticed that. As soon as Maddie left the room Demi came jolting towards me with arms wide open. She practically jumped on me so I caught her in my arms. This felt unbelievably right.

I put demi down and asked her if she was sure about taking me home.

"I actually thought you could come back to my hotel with me and spend the night, I have a week off and would love to spend it with you if you want" Demi Said,

I couldn't believe what was happening. I was actually going to spend a week with Demi fucking Lovato...

"Yes I would love that" I smiled as big as I could. Demi smiled back and grabbed my waist and pulled me tight to her. It was seconds before our lips smashed together for the best kiss of my life. This girl really knew how to leave me mesmerized.

Demi's POV

I couldn't wait to bring Ashley home with me. I cant explain it but she gave me a feeling no one else ever has. She made me happy, happier than I've been in a while.

"You ready to go?" I asked Ash as she was looking into my eyes.

"Yep let me just text Mads and tell her I wont be there tonight, she'll probably be with Brody anyway" I giggled. I was so happy that Ashley was coming back to my hotel with me.

"Ashley before we leave, I need to tell you something. All my lovatics think I'm straight and so did I until I met you, But I don't want to get all the paps going and posting ridiculous shit about me, So can we keep this just between me and you for right now?

"Sure dems whatever you want" I was glad she didn't put up a fight.

I told max we were ready and he led us to the car. It was about a 30 minute drive to the hotel and Ashley fell asleep. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Letting out little snores here and there.

We arrived at the hotel and I tried to wake Ash up. She wouldn't budge so I got out and opened her door and picked her up. I knew she was skinny but I didn't know she was this damn skinny.

"Would you like for me to get her" Max offered.

"No thanks max I got her."  I reassured him. Thank god there were no paps around, I mean it was 1 A.M but still.

We got up to the hotel room and I laid Ashley down on my bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping. Part of me wanted to snuggle up to her and just fall asleep and well the other part wanted to pounce on her sexy ass.

I decided to take a shower so I went into the bathroom and did just that.

Ashley's POV

I woke up not knowing where I was at, at first, Then I realized Demi had invited me to stay the night. I heard a door open and saw Demi walking out in a black lace bra and matching thong. What ever bit of tiredness I had in me sure went away after that.

"Well look who's up" Demi said with a smirk. I was caught for words. All I could do was blush. Demi realized I was having problems talking so she walked over to me and sat down on my lap and gave me a soft passionate kiss, just enough to leave me wanting more.


Hey guys sorry it took so long to update, I didn't have computer access when I was spending time with the family and I've had some personal issues to deal with. Thank you so much for the support guys, it really means a lot and makes me want to keep writing, so keep giving me feedback and if you have any ideas just message me! Thanks again guys, You're the best! <3

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