Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Unsatisfied, I leave Kyra to return to Maven. I am unsure if I should tell him that Mare is pregnant with the traitor prince's baby instead of his. Honestly, I couldn't care less who did it... but it might entertain me to watch some drama between the two. Undoubtedly, the little lightning girl is planning something. She would have never grown to love such an ill creature so quickly. Her hate burns deeper than that. I can tell when she is pretending, and a lot of fake smiles are coming from her mouth.

When I arrive back to Archeon, Maven has already announced his wife's pregnancy. Foolish boy. Now everybody will be watching her. Eyes will be everywhere inside the palace. I request a meeting with Maven and meet him in his office shortly after my arrival.

When I walk in, he is lazily sitting in his chair. His feet are propped up on his desk and he is picking at his fingernails. I give a quick bow. "Your Majesty." I greet.

He gives a dismissive wave of his hand. "Jon. Sit down, please."

I comply, gritting my teeth. I would make ten times the ruler he will ever be.

"What did you want to discuss with me?" Maven asks, giving me a quick glance.

I lean forward in my chair. "Two things, actually." I say loudly. "Maven, the first one involves Mare... and the baby." Carefully treading through the waters, I wait for his response. A reaction... anything.

But Maven's face remains the same. His voice remains normal. "Are you going to tell me that the baby isn't mine? Because, I already know that."

Jaw dropping silence from me. I cannot form thoughts. My first impression was that he would be furious, angry, hateful even. But Maven is calm and collected, and so should I. I take a deep breath, cooling myself.

"But, sir, how is this not a surprise to you?" I say, leaning forward.

Maven laughs and sits up normally. "I'm not stupid, Jon. It takes longer to know if you're going to have a baby. She was with Cal for enough time... I added it up in my head." He raises his eyebrows in expectation. "She doesn't know that I know. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

I agree, still baffled.

An awkward silence lasts barely a minute before Maven speaks up again. "And your... other reason for being here?"

Offended, I open my mouth for a smart reply, but close it again. I will not get on his bad side just yet. He must believe that I'm only on his side. When really, I'm doing what's best for myself and my daughter. Someday, she will be able to be with me and we will reign. I will be king of Norta and nobody will ever use her for her ability. And someday, she will forgive me for all I have done to get to that place.

"I wanted to advise you on something important." I begin. Maven's eyes light up; interested. "There is a way to avoid the attack that the Scarlet Guard has planned, but we must act before the end of the week." I pause, wanting to hear his feedback.

Maven leans forward, his elbows on his desk. "I'm listening."

"We need to bomb their fort." I say. "And I know exactly where it is."

I stand up and open the door, dragging in my newest accomplishment. Maven stands up, his face in outrage. I hold up my arms in defense. "Wait, Maven. Just wait."

I rip the cover off the boy's head and he looks around, confused.

Maven glares at me for a moment, but slowly understands the meaning. With this boy, we know everything. This boy will lead us straight to all the answers. Maven takes a step toward him

"Hello, Tramy."

Hehe. I actually don't have anything else to say but an evil laugh. Mwahahaha. Okay, that's all....

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