Chapter Ten

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As I stand there holding Cal's hand, I search for any means of escape. All of us made it out of the tunnel, but now we are putting on a show. Maven takes a step closer to us and Cal pushes me behind him and grips my hand tighter.

"I'm getting you out of here, Mare." Cal growls softly.

"I'm sorry." I whisper back.

Cal fiercely replies. "No matter what happens today, Mare, I will never regret coming back for you."

I lean against his back; he can probably feel my heart beating fast. "I love you." I say, barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't you say your goodbyes yet, Mare."

Then, as Maven continues to get closer to us, I hear a snapdragon above us. Thinking the worse, I assume it is Maven's, but I'm proven wrong as a Scarlet Guard member is the pilot. It's ours. Maven freezes and makes a signal to his guards, who all lower their weapons.

Cal yells out to his brother. "You should let us go, Mavey." He says, full of hate. "Or everybody will die today."

Maven ignores him and stares at me. A figure that I hadn't seen in a long time comes up behind him and Cal has to hold me back from killing him.


He quickly tells Maven something, looks directly at me and leaves as quickly as he came. Maven looks back to me and yells, "I'll let you go, Mare. But know that I will do anything to get my wife back." He pauses and smirks. "So, brother, you may have her for a little while, but I expect her back shortly."

I know that his allowing me to leave has everything to do with what Jon told him and for now I am grateful, but I still haven't forgiven him. He knew Shade would die and he didn't tell me.

Cal pulls me toward the snapdragon and we get inside. Two pilots fly us away from Maven and everything I don't want to be. The past few days worrying and exhaustion catches up to me and I fall asleep in Cal's arms. Finally safe. Finally free.

This is short but totally worth it. I just couldn't not write that right now. I'm sorry booklover4lifes! I had to! :)

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