Chapter Thirty-One

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Maven's POV

I hold onto her tightly in the middle of the night. She takes deep breaths and I can feel her chest move. She's so beautiful.

And now she's mine. Forever.

Mare's POV

I wake while it's still dark. Maven holds me still, his arms wrapped around my stomach. I fill my lungs with deep breaths of air, trying not to cry. It would wake him. I stare out the window, into the moonlight, wishing, praying, that this isn't real.

But it is. And it can never be undone.

Kyra's POV

I know what the Scarlet Guard is planning.

Based on the questions that Jon asks me, I already know that they are planning to play him. And he doesn't know it, yet. A part of me wants him to get burned. He deserves it, and he would find out I lied too late to avoid it.

But then he would come back and hurt me. He would torture me again. I can't... handle that another time. He already killed everybody I love over the years. He can't kill me. But he knows exactly where I hurt the worst. He knows how painful it is to have needles shoved up your fingernails. He knows how much waterboarding sucks. Jon loves to hurt, he loves to cause misery. It's his passion.

But I have to take a chance.

So when Jon asks me if the Scarlet Guard knows he's playing both sides... I lie.


Maven's POV

"Mare Barrow is my wife, Jon. She is Queen and you will respect her." I say, threatening Jon. He stands below me, glaring at Mare. She, unsurprisingly, has a smug look on her face as she too, looks down on him.

Jon bows. "Of course, my king." He turns and bows to Mare. "My queen."

She slowly nods her head once. "Jon, what news do you bring us?"

I cut a glance at her, wondering her motive, but then I take a deep breath. She isn't against me. She's on my team. She is trying to work with me. I have to remind myself of this several times a day. Only my mother has ever wanted to be with me. Even this fact I have questioned over the years.

Jon eyes me. "Maven, if I could speak to you alone?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Of course." I reply. Looking at Mare, I shrug. We watch as she gets off her chair and gracefully walks out of the room without a seconds hesitation.

"Jon?" I question, annoyed.

"Sir, I have something new to bring to your attention."

"And that is?" I snap.

"I know their whole plan."

Of course. The Scarlet Guard. We will bring them down.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful fooooor Jesus andddd books and food and sleep and warmth and books and coffee and chocolate and netflix and books and a lot more....

Shout out to LilMissEevee for being so awesome and reading my story!

I might also mention that I am too lazy to proofread this short chapter. So sorry.

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