Chapter Eight

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I'm getting married tomorrow.

Maven had me pick out my dress, but that's all. I didn't have to plan anything: decoration, food..... vows. Nothing. He has me eat every single meal with him, alone. He doesn't speak to me. He yells at the servants. He is depressed.

All because of me.

I did this to him. I made him this way. His mother made him the monster but I set it free. Looking at him makes my heart break. But my mind is smarter. I know how he truly is, and how he will never change. Now all I feel is agony, hopelessness, and pity. Maven stares at his plate, no feeling in his downcast eyes. It's like he's already dead. He's already gone.

But I can't do anything for him now! He won't ever, ever, bow down to Cal. He would rather die. And the thing that kills me to admit is, Maven will have to die for this revolution to work. If we win, he will be dead. Maven will not survive this game.


Later, in my room, I sit and plan. If the wedding is outside, then I can make a run for it, using my ability. If there are tons of people, I can get lost in the crowd. If...

I can't plan based on "if's". It won't work. I'm dreaming up fantasies that will never happen.

A guard walks in and tells me that Maven would like to see me. He is to escort me. I obey, standing up and walking out the door. But when I start walking with him, the guard takes me in the wrong direction. He isn't going towards Maven's room or the Throne room which is where he usually sees me. Curious, I follow him, trying to recall if I know this guard from somewhere.

"Mare." He whispers as we wander hallways, going in circles. "I'm with the Scarlet Guard and I'm here to warn you that they are coming. Tomorrow. After the vows, Maven and you will leave for an hour and then reenter. That's our time window, during then you must-"

But he gets cut off when Maven rounds a corner.

"Ah! There she is, thank you for bringing her to me. You may leave now." Maven says as he walks toward us.

I won't know what to do. The guard, obedient, leaves promptly. I look after him till he is out of sight, then I turn toward Maven. "You asked for me?" I say, not quite reaching his eyes.

Maven grabs my chin, hard, in the middle of the hallway. "Now you listen here, Mare. I will not tolerate any funny business tomorrow, do you understand?"

I nod briskly, holding back tears. He's so far gone.

"Good, now come with me. We have much to discuss. First," He starts walking so I follow him, a step behind, as usual. "we have the fact that you are being uncooperative. Listen, Mare. I love you. I always will. No matter what you do, no matter how much you hate me or hurt me, I will love you. "

I scoff. "You get in moods, Maven. You love me now, but what about my dues? Your bipolar. You can't control yourself. How am I supposed to live with that kind of man?"

Maven rolls his eyes at me, which looks weird from this angle. "I apologized for all that. And you did owe some dues. Every time you disobey, you must be disciplined. That's how it works, Mare."

"No!" I shout. "That's how you work. Do you think Cal would beat me if I show my opinion? No, he wouldnt. We sure as hell would argue. But not like that, Maven. Not like you." I throw that in his face.

"Stop comparing me to my brother! " Maven shouts, enraged. "I am not him!"

I quiet. He's right, for once. Maven is not Cal. Cal is not Maven. And the sad point is that I would choose Maven in a second if he were good. If he was what I thought he was. But he's not. He won't ever be the man I first knew again.

We finally reach the hallway where Maven's bedroom is. But he continues talking. He's calmed down a bit.

"Now, regarding the wedding night..."

Oh no. No. He can't seriously be thinking...

Maven leans up against his door frame and looks into my eyes for the first time in days. "I won't force you, Mare. That, I want you to want on your own."

Inside I let out a deep breath. Outside I nod. Maven frowns.

"See you tomorrow, love."

Yes, see you tomorrow. For the last time. Because I'm getting out of here.

I might have gotten overexcited and updated twice in one day. Woops. :) For my favorites: booklover4lifes cr7worldsbest chels_the_bookworm andddd shattered_quill. Thanks!

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