Chapter Fifty-Five

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Tell me that my darkest thoughts won't be revealed. Tell me that my deepest sympathies will stay buried. Tell me that Cal will come for me, I am scared to continue on this road without him. For Maven's flames lick my throat as he sleeps by my side. They consume me, turning me to ash, to dust, to nothing.

And when I wake, I realize that it's barely a dream, a nightmare. Maven does not torture me. He does not catch on to my plan. And as much as I ache for Cal, I do not wish him to be here, no matter what my dream conscience comes up with.

And I am not scared.

I can hardly make myself wait for the night where I can erase Maven from this world. But till then I will just enjoy the moments where I can slowly break him.

"Mare?" Maven calls for me as I wander around the palace halls. "Honey, are you here?"

My eyes widen at the possibility for another jab at his cold heart. "Yeah, I'm here." I reply, continuing to walk.

He jogs to catch up to me. "Hey." He says kissing my cheek. "I uhh, wanted to tell you something."

My guard is immediately up again at his puzzling words. "What? More murder of innocent Reds?" My quick response makes him wince, but just barely, for his soul is dark. Too dark to be brought to shame so easily.

Maven threads his knuckles through his messy black hair. " Well, Evangeline.... "

Oh. I groan. "What about her, Maven?" I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"She's gone. But she left a note saying that she's gone to get revenge on you. We found the note yesterday. And she did exactly what she said she was going to do."

I glare at his cryptic message. "What did she do?" I demand, hatred growing for the boy in front of me and the girl he didn't stop.

"She completely destroyed the Stilts. Massacred. It's gone." Maven whispers, looking at his feet. I scoff. At least he feels something. Regret? Guilt? Embarrassment? Fear? Or maybe he's just afraid of my reaction.

As he should be.

I scream in agony. "You let her do that!" I accuse. Of course he did. He had a whole day to stop her and he didn't. For the briefest of moments a smile appears on his face and I quickly slap it off.

I stare at my hand, amazed at it's power to silence an expression. But that smile grows to a frown and Maven's entire face darkens. His eyes glow with anger.

"Get out of my sight!" He spits. "You are not the head of this marriage. You are not the head of this country. You have no power over me and from now on I will prove it to you. You are my wife. You are nothing."

I submit to him this time, walking away with a knowing smile. I got him to break his temper. I have made him feel guilt. Now, I can love him to the best of my ability before breaking his heart.

Hey! Sorry this is short, I just couldn't seem to put my thoughts to words, you know what I mean? Annnyway, let me know what you think. Love you guys, you're the best. But right now my face is driving me crazy with this stupid chemical burn!!! So the next chapter will be out in a few days.

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