Chapter Thirty

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Mare's POV

Maven stands in front of me, at his most vulnerable moment and I take advantage of it. "Let's get married." I say to Maven. In this moment, it's all I can do to thoroughly convince him of my love. "Right now. Screw all th big plans. Who cares?" I slide my hands up his back. "I want to be your Red Queen." I murmer. 

Maven visibly gulps. He looks me up and down and his face finally returns to normal. He's back to the boy I used to know. "Come on." He says, taking my hand and leading me down the hallway.

One name echoes in my mind with every step I take.

Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal.

Cal's POV

It was announced this afternoon. King Maven Calore and Queen Mare Barrow married late last night. Early this morning the new Queen's coronation took place. I was so mad I accidentally burned Kilorn when he grabbed my arm. I apologized and then ran off. My walls are covered in new black burn marks.

Mare is only doing what she has to too survive. I told her to do that. As much as I hate how she's back with Maven, she saved out lives... again.

After a few minutes I calm down and the temperature drops. Someone knocks on my door and I'm surprised when I open it. I expected Shade or Kilorn at the very most. Not Mare's father.

"Hey." I manage to get out. I open the door wider, letting him in.

He wheels around to face me and I shut the door. I wait, expectantly. He clears his throat.

"Tramy ran off." He says, getting to the point. Its a big reason why I like him. "He left a note saying he had to do some things. That he was helping Mare. It made no sense. I thought that you should know."

Of course. Shade and I both thought that he was fine to be left alone. That he didn't need to be watched. I guess we were both wrong. And now we need to go find him before he does anything else stupid.

Hey! Sorry, I just felt like writing again. :) You know your obsessed when you accidentally call your little sister Mare instead of Mil.... Woops. It's almost time for Maven to do something horrible again!!! Ahhh!

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