Chapter Seventeen

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We decide to head to the Lakelands. Not to run and hide. Not to cower. We will find support. We will find Command. Cal and I both admit it would be easier with Farley, but she can't come. I almost want to turn back to ask if she could, but Cal talks me out of it. We need to be fast and that would just waste time. When we get to Command, we will present our plan, which is unfailing if we get what we want.

I can feel Cal watch me as we walk. I smile to myself. We're finally actually alone, and I have no idea what to say.

"Mare?" I hear him say from behind me.

"Yeah? " I reply without breaking stride.

"What are we going to do when this is all over?"

The dreaded question. The make-believe. We could spend hours planning our future, but it's unlikely that we'll have one.

"Honestly?" I ask, slowing down so that we walk side by side.

Cal looks at me and brushes his hair out of his face. He let it grow out a little. "Honestly."

"We'll probably be dead. Or too screwed up to function." I state bluntly.

Cal laughs. "Probably. Or a little insane. You'll most likely talk to animals."

I play along to get out of another serious conversation. "Yes. And you will talk to yourself while you walk up and down the same staircase everyday."

"Sounds like something I would do." is his reply.

Then silence.

So loud I'm afraid to break it.

"Cal." I whisper finally. "Everyone is dead." I say it out loud after holding in the words for so long. "Gisa." I say, agonizingly. "If I didn't come back- Tramy picked- Shade and... Bree. It's all my- Cal."

He doesn't say anything. I hold my tears in, not wanting him to see me that weak again. I've been crying too much lately. I need to keep it in.

"Mare." My name. "You don't get to choose who lives and who dies in this game. There is only hope now and you need to play the right moves. Tramy lost one of our players... but he kept the best one at the same time. I will never blame him for that. Mare, is this about you? Yes. But it's also so much more than that."

I stare at the ground and continue walking. "Its better for everyone that I'm not there. I need to stay away from those I care about or else they die." I pause and quickly glance at Cal. "You shouldn't be here." I whisper.

He looks straight ahead, focusing on walking through the woods. "I need to be here."

We arrive at the Choke late at night. For the past couple hours Cal has known we would be here and his demeanor changed. He's been here before. He's fought and killed and is now remembering all of that.

But we're so close.

We decided to sleep here for the night even though it isn't that safe. Cal finds us a place to stay and I unpack what Farley brought me. We have some clothes that would fit Cal and me. I guess she knew that I would have company. There's a ton of protein bars and tins of water. I find matches and a lighter, which I find ironic. Cal could just start a fire for us with his hands. Then there is a map and a compass, but we already know where we're going. So really I'm only thankful for the food and clothes. At the bottom of the bad I find a note.

Mare, I know you're leaving soon. It's something you would do. I would come but I won't risk Shade's baby again. So I wish you luck. If you head towards Maven, you'll die. Just to be blunt. But if you go to Command, you'll need to head more East. Tell him Farley went you and he'll give you whatever. I hope.

East. Tell Command that Farley sent us. Sounds easy.

Now all we need to do is get there.

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm having a hard time with Cal's personality... What do you think? Vote. Comment. Don't worry, I'll bring Kilorn back somewhere, somehow. *Wink, wink*

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