Chapter 19. || Ending The Dept.

Start from the beginning

He starts the car and takes off in a swift motion. The car ride was almost completely silent because he can't stand music, he says it's just nonsense for untalented people who are nothing but undeserving fools to feel like their making a difference when people are dying. He thinks everyone should be a doctor. It was so silent it seemed loud.

"What happened yesterday will never happen again. None of it not what you did, not what I did. It was a mistake that will never be repeated. Your mom and I are moving in different directions if you haven't notice-" Everything he said after that got thrown out his fancy ass car windows
because I've seen enough shows to know what happens next. I felt the tears fall down my cheek before I even knew they were forming in my eyes.
I don't even bother to wipe them since he's not even caring to pay any attention to me as he continues to speak.

"She's going to fight for full custody over you Jinx and I don't want to lose you. I really don't, your my only kid. The thing is your almost eighteen, she's not going to have any control over you. " Yeah, and neither will you.
He pulls into our school's parking lot and stops his vehicle. My tears are dried up on my face yet I can still taste their saltiness on my tongue and feel the burn in my eyes.

I unbuckle my seat belt in a rush to escape but before my fingers can glaze the door handle he grips my wrist softly. I turn around looking at him. He's tired.
You wouldn't be able to tell though because we're all so blind we only can see with our eyes, only a few of us can see with our hearts but when you do everything is so much more real. And that's why most chose not to.

"I am truly sorry Jinx.
But I need to tell you this, when the time comes you have to do what's right. Go to school be a doctor save people. Make a difference. Be the difference. Change people's life's instead of just saving them. "

He had never had so much burning intensity in his eyes and you could feel his passion radiating off him like a deadly fume.
He's breaking to. I suppose we all are though, just some faster then others.
He lets go of my wrist and I open the door. I stay in my seat for a moment just staring at the man I identify to be my father. Then I get out and leave all my hate for him in the car. I don't look back when I shut it.


I saw Chase as soon as I walked into the building. He was just standing there in the middle of teenage chaos, calm and collected. His eyes immediately seek out mine. His lips are pressed tightly together with his arms crossed, his boyish humor is long gone. His frown deepens the closer he gets to me. He doesn't speak as he grips me by my underarm and pulls me to the back of the school outside the back door. It's like deja vu
all over again when I see Ace and his gang. The whole crew. Caleb, Cassidy, Cameron, Logan, Tim, and a few other guys.

They look like statues none of them show any signs of friendliness not even Cameron,  he barley even looks at me.
Chase still has my arm in a slight grip so I take the liberty of elbowing him in his stomach with as much force as I can muster. He stumbles back a step in shock before replacing himself. He glances at me with a blank look before looking down. I don't have enough time to be confused before Ace's voice rocks me back to insanity.

"You think you can just leave?" He snickers.
"You think you can go back to acting like you did before and pretend like all I did for you was nothing? I made you, I owned you. I saved your life and now I need you to save mine," his voice is so deep and in the moment, his every word is another pierce to my heart. But everything he says is a lie.

"F you Anderson. You can drop dead and suck it and I wouldn't care. I'm not scared of you. Your all talk and image but I never actually saw you do anything but complain like a little bit-"
before I could even finish my sentence he's holding a gun to my head. Everyone flinched, even him. Yet no one moves.

I start to laugh. I laugh so hard my legs start to buckle. Ace's face turns pale in confusion yet his eyes have been dead since the day I saw him. But god are they beautiful.

"Do it," I saw something flash in his eyes and its like everyone stops breathing because we all want to hear what happens next. I close my eyes pressing my forehead into the gun.
There's silence. Cold dead silence. He's breathing hard. So hard, he removes the gun from my head in anger then points it at someone in the far back.

I don't know what she's doing here. Her eyes go wide when she notices the bullets directed to her. She starts to shake in fear and I don't know what to do.
"Tim." Is all Ace says and Tim's gripping her ruthlessly and pulling her towards him. Tears brim her innocent eyes as she looks at me with pure fear.

Ace laughs this time, that bone chilling earth shattering life shaking laugh that makes everything seem okay but it was laced with evilness.

"You see babygirl I might can't kill you just yet, but I would have no problem blasting little blondy here away. "He directs his words to me but he never takes his eyes off of her. His fingers glazing the trigger.

My voice gets caught in my throat and I can't talk.
"You have 5 seconds to make up your mind before I do it for you," he speaks again.

I have no time to react.


He glances at me.

His finger hovering over the trigger I don't think.

It happened fast. Me running over and jumping in front of her. Me hearing the gun go off. Me feeling the bullet tearing through the skin in my shoulder. Me screaming. Mia crying. Chase running over to me. Me losing consciousness, it all mixes together in one blear.

Hey guys!! I'm back again
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