PART 17: The Early Tragedy

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Barry flies into MattyB and Ian's cell.

"Psssst...." Barry whispered.

"What was that?" asked MattyB.

"It's me, Barry." said Barry. "Keep your voice low, I'm gonna get you out of here"

"Okay, be quick about it." said MattyB.

Barry flew back to Test.

"Give me the portal, Johnny." said Barry. "I'm gonna get them all out of there."

"Actually, hang on." said Test. "Go Fearow!"

Fearow came out of the Pokéball.

"You keep scanning the area, I'll free them" said Test. "Take me to where you found them."

Barry takes Test just to find that Jared is beginning to escort Donkey and Doke to another room, so Test types in the locations for the portal to go to the hotel room he still had in Vegas (it was reserved for four nights) and shoots it right in front of Ian and MattyB so they can escape before Jared sees them, but Mike sees them.

"Johnny, save me!!!" screams Mike.

"Ian, B, go into the portal NOW!!!" said Test.

Ian, MattyB, and Barry go into the portal and go to Test's room.

Test closes the portal.

"It's you!!" Jared shouted. "Men, shoot at him. Now!!"

"Mike, you dumbass!!" screamed Test. "Now they're gonna (his voice is fading because he is flying away on his Fearow) Fuck. You. Up....not like I care, HAHAHaHaHahahaha..."

"I know you don't." said Mike. "I don't either."

Test travels back to the hotel room because Barry wasn't supposed to go through the portal.

"Barry!" shouted Test.

"Why did you tell me to go through?" asked Barry.

"I didn't. I said B. As in MattyB. Not Barry!!" said Test. "Now come back with me. Now!"

"You two stay here, we're gonna try to get the rest of them." said Test.

Test sets up the portal and goes through it with Barry.

"So I guess we just chill here for now?" said MattyB.

"Yeah." said Ian. "I'll take this bed for now because the other one smells like ass."

"In that case, move over Ian." said MattyB, sharing the bed with Ian.

"I have to use the restroom, I'll be right back." said MattyB.

He came back scarred.

"MattyB, are you okay?" asked Ian.

"What happened to that restroom?" asked MattyB. "I need to sleep."

"I have no idea." said Ian. "What did you see?"

"Cum." said MattyB. "Everywhere."

"Let's just go to sleep." said Ian.

It wasn't five minutes before two people appeared in the room, right in front of MattyB and Ian.

The two people spoke.

"Wake the hell up!!" one of them shouted.

"What's your problem?" said MattyB. "I was asleep."

"Nothing, we've just been trying to track down an inter-dimensional portal because we're looking for Johnny Test. There is a limit of times he can use that portal. If he uses it too many times, there will be consequences."

Bee Shrek Test in the HouseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang