PART 15: Discovering Your Inner Shrek

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Ash's alarm sounded at 7:00 am and woke up Barry and Johnny.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NOISE?!" screamed Barry.

"That's called an alarm clock." said Test.

"Sorry for scaring you, Barry." said Ash.

"It's all good." said Barry.

"Guys, I'm gonna need one of you to let Shrek and Cory know that it's 7:00." said Ash.

They both strongly refused due to previous experiences.

"I'm flipping a coin." said Ash. "Heads or Tails?"

"Tails never fails!" said Barry.

"Fine, I'll go with heads." said Test.

Ash flipped the coin and let it fall on the floor. It rolled right into the restroom Shrek and Cory were in.

"What was it?" asked Barry.

"I don't know, fly under the door and check." said Test.

"No way in hell am I going in there unless it's heads." said Barry.

Ash went to go get Pikachu.

"Pikachu, like you practiced, send a thunder shock to the tub to wake up Shrek and Cory, okay?" asked Ash.

Pikachu nodded. He sent a thunder shock to the tub. They all heard a moan of pleasure from both Shrek and Cory.

"Oh Shrek, do that again." said Cory.

"I felt it, too." said Shrek.

"Well, I think Ash is trying to call us with his Pikachu." said Cory.

"Oh Cory." said Shrek. "You're making me want to kiss every part of your body again."

"Guys, we can all hear you." screamed Test. "Do me a favor and tell us what the coin landed on by the door."

"It's on Tails." said Shrek.

"Want to feel my tail Shrek?" asked Cory.

"Johnny. Go in there and talk to them." said Barry.

"Hang on." said Test. "Shrek, Cory, we leave in 30 minutes. Get dressed."

"How did you know we were both naked?" asked Shrek.

"All I said was for you two to get dressed. I never said anything about nudity." said Test.

"Okay Johnny." said Shrek. "I'm just gonna take my fist out of Cory's ass and we'll be at the front door in 5 minutes."

"Fine..." said Test.

Thirty minutes passed. 

"Johnny, you're going in there." said Barry.

"Why?" asked Test.

"It landed on tails; a deal's a deal." said Barry.

"Fine." said Test.

He went into the restroom and almost threw up at the sight of Shrek and Cory.

"SHREK! CORY!" screamed Test.

"What's up?" asked Cory.

"Did I or did I not say meet at the door in 5 minutes?" said Test.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes." said Cory.

"You said that half an hour ago!" said Test.

"Fine." said Cory. "Hand me my clothes."

Test handed Shrek and Cory his clothes.

Bee Shrek Test in the HouseWhere stories live. Discover now