PART 16: The Arrival

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The doors open. Barry comes through the door followed by Professor Jerry.

"Looks like I have taught your Beedrill everything he can learn." said Professor Jerry.

"What can he learn?" asked Test.

"Fuck off; I'm not making a list of moves he learned. Do you know how long that took me last time with Shrek?" said Professor Jerry.

"You already taught him the moves, it shouldn't be hard to tell me." said Test.

"No, you know what? Figure it out yourself you inconsiderate asshole. It takes a lot of research to tell you." said Professor Jerry. "NO! You know what? I'm only gonna tell you one of the moves he knows. Surprise, Surprise, he knows fly!"

"Fine. Be like that you piece of crap." said Test.

"Get out." said Professor Jerry. "I want you out of here right now, and tell Cory and his Pokémon to stop heavily making out on that chair. I don't want to know how that chair hasn't broke, but as I was saying, get out."

"Fine." said Test. "Shrek, Cory, it's time to go."

"Just five more minutes." said Cory. "My pants haven't been on for about an hour."

"Stop it. Cory, put your pants on." said Test. "Don't even make me tell you Shrek."

"Okay...." said Shrek.

After a couple of minutes, Shrek, Barry, Cory, and Test had left the building.

"Everybody hop on my back." said Shrek. "It's time to fly."

Cory hopped on Shrek's back without hesitation. Test and Barry were both uncomfortable with it, but at least they didn't have to walk.

"Let's stop by a shop to get Pokéballs." said Cory.

"Anything for you, my love." said Shrek.

As they were coming near the shop, a blimp came to a halt and two people exited the blimp.

"I sure do like your Machoke." said James. "I want it. By the way, I'm James and this is Jesse."

"Yes, that would make a great addition to our collection." said Jesse. "He's a shiny; what more could you ask for?"

"I got something to ask for." said Shrek. "I want all of your fucking Pokéballs right now. I will end you both if one of you even decides to sneak ONE Pokéball away from us."

"Go, Arbok!" said Jesse.

Shrek grabbed the Arbok and deep-throated it. The whole thing, and Cory was impressed.

"Give me my Arbok back!" said Jesse.

"Give me every Pokéball you have. I also want that blimp, it looks nice." said Shrek. "Maybe I'll paint it green."

Shrek pulled Arbok out of his mouth, and Arbok had fainted.

"One more chance." Shrek grabs James by the throat. "Give me all of your Pokéballs, even if they have Pokémon in them, especially that pretty looking purple one you have there. Failure to comply will result in me snapping James in FUCKING HALF! IS. THAT. CLEAR?!?!?"

"Take everything." said Jesse. "James, I told you we shouldn't have used the blimp."

"I also never want to see you with a bad reputation." said Shrek. "I want to see you doing good. Same goes for you, James."

Jesse and James ran for their lives.

"Well that also works." said Cory. "I've never seen the evil side of you, Shrek."

Bee Shrek Test in the HouseWhere stories live. Discover now